Perfect at the moment

Start from the beginning

Marsha p.o.v

Slowly waking up I look over the clock that reads 7:44 before placing my arms back around sarah, not wanting the cold air to disturb her peaceful sleep.
It's extremely cold this morning, and just like every other day I hate dragging myself out of bed when it's extremely cold and wet, but today is worst than other days because I have the most beautiful woman beside me and hate thinking I have to go to work without her today. You see she is heading of to her studio to work with Yelawolf while I'm heading in and working on bad meets evil with the guys.

I honestly don't deserve her, my twisted messed up form doesn't deserve Sarah pure bliss of symphony. I can't control my heart beating wildly as I watch curiously watch Sarah sleep wondering what she is dreaming about.

Thinking about last night and the way our bodies moved like we were each other's first, wanting, craving, needing each other for our own selfish pleasure but more pleasuring each other even overwhelmed me just by thinking about it, and thinking about how one woman has made me into some sick love puppy, who lies around fantasizing about her in the morning.
This is different than any other relationship I've been in, I don't if it's because I fell in love with her after I was sober or it's because I'm more mature and understand that everything can change in a minute, but it's different. I feel like I used to when I was a teenager, so vulnerable and so carefree about love because I hadn't seen how much love can actually hurt someone and change someone's life, I hadn't experienced cheating, or lust or desires I had eyes only for one, and that's how I feel today. Unlike before when the first thing that would come to my head when I thought about love was getting hurt and or the negative things, now when I think of it, it's a lot harder to think of something negative to say, instead my heart skips weirdly and I start to panic because I know love like this doesn't exist and somehow or somewhere something is going to go wrong.

By lust and desires for her were so tempting me to wake her up so We could be with each other like last night, but every time she moved she just seemed to keep nuzzling her way closer to me, making my heart melt as she moulded her body with mine.

" Fuck.... I don't deserve you" I mumbled softly watching as she rested her face in the crook of my neck, placing a little kiss on my skin before wrapping her arms around my back, showing me she heard my comment I had just made.

"Yes you do" she replied softly to herself, making me place my arms around her and wrap her up, not Wanting to let her go as I continued lying there for a couple more hours instead of being a heartless, bitter, twisted guy who barely smiles, I was a happy, complete, love struck sucker who is leaving himself way to open and vulnerable to be hurt, but in that moment I didn't care.

The day has been going slow just as I imagined it, there are time where I can't help but smile as I allow my mind wander back to last night and of course wander back to sarah, wandering how one woman has made such an impact on me.

Right now luckily a lot of the other guys are leaving so fifty, Dre and I can hang out more casually, I tell you it's very exhausting having trying to entertain 30 people while also trying to get work down, entourages and groupies often follow the new artist and hang out with them while there in the studio, back in the day I would have loved flirting back to all these different models and younger women but since I can hardly stop thinking about Sarah , it's a little bit pointless besides my mind goes straight back to thinking about her and dreading how many guys are in the studio flirting with her today. Guys just can't seem to fall for her and flirt with her, I understand it though she is stunning and even though she is very shy it comes of more as a mysterious type of shyness that makes you want to know more.

" Yo fifty" Dre shouted calling fifty over to the lounge area where Royce and I were busy smashing it in the playstation.

" What's up?" He smiled coming over and leaving the three younger models back in the corner. you see since fifty broke up with his girlfriend and ended it in a bad way with her, he has been sleeping constantly with anyone he can imagine and currently is taking advantage of the groupies that have been spending some time here.

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