Chapter 27 (Edited)

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I dodged another attack that my cousin had done and shifted into my fox form. Anger filled my body because I hated that he still had control over her, even though he was dead.

'You need to cause them to both submit to you,' a gentle voice said in my mind.

I took a deep breath and glanced towards the force field to see my mother smiling at me. My other eye was on my cousin.

She nodded her head as if to say that it was she that had spoken to me. Her lips moved but no sound came out as she and her group chanted something.

Power filled my body, causing both my Fox and Wolf to purr. My body felt as if it was growing, filling with the power of the Fox leaders before.

Tora, my cousin's wolf, whined in uncertainty but growled when I growled at her. Her ears were flat up against her head, and I could tell that she was trying to intimidate me.

Sinopa scoffed and rolled her eyes. 'Puny Wolf,' she said, causing Majesty to murmur in agreement. 'Let's kick her ass and bring back your cousin.'

I hummed in agreement before taking a step forward. My teeth were bared and my ears were pressed against the back of my head as I warned her to back down.

Tora snarled, her eyes deepening to a darker red as my cousin started to lose the fight against insanity. The fur on the back of her neck stood straight up, but it did not cause me to back down.

With one final growl of warning, she lunged towards me, and I met her in the middle with a growl of warning of my own.


Pain filled my body as we tore up one another. Both of us tried to gain the upper hand, but neither one of us was letting go.

I could feel myself losing, my heart starting to ache because I knew that it was almost time to end her life.

I couldn't keep going, even with the help of my mother and the whole Fox clan behind me. I could feel their power growing weaker as one by one, they started to disappear.

'Get ready,' I commanded Blue as I pushed Tora to face away from Blue. 'I can't hold on much longer.'

Blue didn't say a word, but I could feel his heart breaking. I didn't need to look at him to know that he was preparing the gun that he had been hiding with a gift from Siran, the Dryad.

'On my mark,' I said, biting my cousin's shoulder. I knew that she heard the sound of the gun clicking, and I was surprised that she didn't try to turn my back towards the gun.

Maybe there was a part of her that was still there, but I could only hope.

Tora slipped for some odd reason, but it was enough for me to get the upper hand.

I pushed Tora onto her back and clamped my jaws around her throat. I wasn't surprised that she was still attacking, but I could feel the spell starting to break.

I shifted into my Wolf form and called both Majesty and Sinopa to the front. Power and energy coursed through my body as I clamped my jaws tighter around her throat. 'Submit,' I snarled, tasting her blood as I tightened my grasp on her throat. 'Now.'

Tora snarled, but I could feel my command taking effect. Her whole body quivered as I felt the spell break before she finally submitted.

I let go of her and lifted my head before letting out a powerful howl. I warned everyone that my cousin was under my command and protection, and if they wanted to attack her, then they had to deal with me.

A soft whimper caused me to look down and watch as my cousin shifted back into her human form, naked, but alive She opened her eyes and stared at me, the lost and insane look gone.

I whined and nuzzled her cheek, feeling it stained with tears. I closed my eyes when she placed her hand on my cheek, her warmth radiating through her.

"Thank you," she whispered before her hand slipped down my cheek as she passed out.

Energy left me as fast as it came, causing me to feel weak and powerless. I shifted back into my human form, too tired stay in my Wolf form.

I looked up at Blue and smiled, tiredly, nodding my head to his unspoken question before finally caving in and passing out.

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now