Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Colton took a couple of steps forward and looked me in the eye before glancing away quickly. He opened his mouth but no sound came. He closed it and cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck before trying again. Again, nothing came out.

I leaned back on my hunches and raised an eyebrow at him. "Stop looking like a fucking fish and let me know what you are trying to say," I said. "I can't do anything to you." I shook my chained hands in front of me.

Colton shrugged. "Why didn't the people that follow you come help?" he asked. "I mean, there has to be more than just you."

I nodded, indicating that there were more than just me. "There are over a couple hundred," I said. I raised my hand silencing him, because I knew that he was going to ask as to why I hadn't sent someone to help out the pack. "However, there are six people in my group, seven if you include me."

"And the couple hundred couldn't help because..?"

"King's orders," I finished. "He ordered for there to only be seven members of my team at one time. If there was ever a "huge" problem then I could get the others to help. However, it is a one time deal."

"So, if you call on them to help with this pack, then you can not contact them when you really need it?"

I nodded. "Correct. The king does not want us to be "too" powerful to overthrow those that rule over us."

"So they limit your numbers?"

I nodded, again.

"What about the mates of your members? Can they learn too?"

"How do you think we have so many?" I asked, smirking. "If a member of my crew finds their mate, then they are subjected to leave the group and go to their mate's pack. If the pack won't accept the member and kick out their mate, then they are to find a new pack or go and be in service of the king."

"And, what about you? Have you found your mate, Pretty Little Lady?" he asked, winking. "If not, I can show you a good time."

I gave him a blank look, Sinopa and Majesty growling in my head. "I don't deal with players. Been there, done that, and almost lost my head."

Colton raised an eyebrow but knew better than to ask. "Why did you cross our border?"

"I did not cross your border. I was close, but didn't cross it."

"Ok, why were you close to the border?"

"Hunting. I thought that was kind of obvious when the Rogues were dead at your feet."

Colton shrugged. "How do you know that they weren't pack members?"

I gave him an 'are you fucking kidding me?' look. "I have been chasing them for a while. I would know if they were your pack members or not." My tone was sarcastic, causing Colton to growl out a warning.

"Why are your gloves stuck on you?"

I waved my hands in the jazz hand fashion. "Magic," I replied. "They are made so that only I can take them off."


'Cause I am marked as a Fox Spirit, duh, I thought, causing Sinopa to snicker and Majesty to just roll her eyes. "Because, it covers something that I am not proud of," I lied, smoothly. "I have a mark that if seen, people I am hiding from will know who I am and kill me."

Colton cocked his head, confused. "Why would someone kill someone like you?" he asked.

I leaned back and smirked. "In my line of work, you make many enemies."

Colton opened his mouth to say something but slammed it shut when the door banged open. Both of us looked to the door to see a pissed off Alpha Male with his Beta behind him.

"Mate," the male growled, glaring at me with so much emotion that I couldn't explain it.

"Well, shit."  

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora