Chapter 9 (Edited)

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I was fighting for control over my Wolf and Fox for the last five minutes. Barely audible growls escape my lips as I pushed both back to no avail. Both of them wanted to teach Lorcian a lesson about respect for a higher rank, even though we would be the same rank when we were mated. My fingers started to shift into claws, and it took all my willpower to make sure that the other three people didn't see that I could shift just yet.

Troy parked the car by the side of the road and glanced up at me. Worry filled his eyes, but I could tell that he was more worried for Ari than I. His whole body was tense, and I could just make out the white knuckles from him gripping the steering wheel too tight. "Get out," he said, his voice void of emotion.


"I'm not going to leave her here, Ari. I want my car not get mauled by an angry Rogue."

I growled a warning at him before opening the door and looked inside at the three people, all of them watching me with wary eyes. "Stay," I all but commanded before slamming the door shut and running off to Goddess know's where.

I stopped when I felt that it was safe enough for me and shifted into my Wolf form. I let Majesty take control, knowing full well that she wouldn't go after him, even though both of them were talking about ways to kill him in his sleep.

Majesty dug our claws into the ground and started to attack the trees as if they were our enemies. Vicious snarls escaped our throat as we killed them, not even a single ounce of pity found in our souls.

After sometime, Majesty backed up and let Sinopa take control. This caused me to shift into my Fox form and again attack the all ready dead trees. And, as soon as Sinopa felt better, she handed me back control, and I shifted back into my human form.

I stood there, still clothed, and looked at the remnants of trees around me. Guilt gnawed at my heart because I knew that it was my fault that these trees were broken down and dead, never to live again. I took a deep breath and took off both of my gloves and laid them at my feet.

Being a Fox Spirit, meant that I was attuned with nature. I was able to understand what animals were saying and I was able to understand what the wind whispered through the trees. But, the one thing that I liked the most was that I could heal what was damaged.

I took a deep breath and stood in the middle of the fallen trees, closing my eyes. I tapped into my Fox Spirit as well as nature and opened my eyes, knowing that they were more of a brilliant green. I raised my hands and took a deep breath before I let my powers fall to the ground at my feet.

Trees that were fallen started to decay and rot into the ground while the new trees started to grow. The barren branches of different types of trees grew different and more vibrant leaves. And by the time that the whole forest looked much better, I was feeling more relaxed than I was an hour before.

I was home.


"Are you feeling better?" Ari asked as I made it back to the car, probably an hour later. "You were gone for a long time."

I nodded my head and tucked a strand of red hair behind my ear. "I am," I confirmed. "I needed that run."

Troy scoffed. "It took you a fucking hour," he muttered. "We could've been doing something, but no, we had to baby-" He glared at Ari when she slapped him. "What the fuc-"

"That was for being an asshole," Ari scowled. "You go through the same thing that she does. Sometimes, you take longer than her. Now, shut your trap and drive. We could've been doing something, but no, all you want to do is complain."

I bit back a snort while Troy glared at Ari before starting the car and driving away. My gaze was torn away from Troy when something landed in my lap. Confusion filled my eyes when I took a look to see a bag of clothes in my lap.

"Those are for you to change into," Colt said, causing me to look up at him. He smirked when I scowled. "Don't worry, they are not Lorcian's clothes. I wouldn't do that to you." He nodded to the bag in my lap. "Those are my sister's clothes. She is about the same size as you, maybe a little fatter. They should fit better than Ari's."

I opened the bag to see that they still had their tags on them. "Did she not like them?" I asked, grateful that I would be able to get more covered up than I was. I took off my cloak and shifted it so that it was covering my body from view.

"She didn't bother to wear them," Cameron replied. "She's a shopaholic."

"To put into terms lightly," Troy mumbled. "She makes the worst shopaholic look like a Goddess."

I raised an eyebrow amused and moved my cloak back onto my back. I felt better in the clothing that I was changed into, not feeling as exposed as I had with the other. "Well, give her my thanks when you see her. Tell her if they get ripped, it's not my fault."

Colt turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow. "How are they going to get ripped?" he asked. "Are you that bad with clothes?"

"Yes," Ari grumbled, looking at her yoga pants. She held them up and scowled at how they looked. They were longer than they had been and looked more stretched out. "I'm not going to be able fit in these anymore."  

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin