Chapter 8 (Edited)

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Question of Chapter: DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES?


I stood in front of the mirror and looked myself up and down, pursing my lips. I was wearing Ari's clothes, and I was showing more skin than I normally would.

The shirt, a tank top, stopped at my stomach, showing a long scar that I had gotten from a "fun" torture session that I had received four years ago. And, for pants I was wearing some yoga pants that were stretchy, and I was sure that I had stretched them out a bit.

"He better let me get new clothes," I muttered pulling my unruly hair into a French Braid, so I didn't have to worry about it. "If not, then there will be hell to pay."

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, towards the door that lead out of the room. I opened the door to see a scowling mate and his sister waiting for me.

Ari took one look at me and began to giggle uncontrollably. She tried to stifle her giggles when I sent her a scowl but didnt stop. "What? Are you not comfortable with showing much skin?"

"No," I huffed. "The material we use is to help control our body heat and the temperature around it."

"Well, why don't you have clothes?" Lorcian growled. "Or are you stupid?"

I couldn't help but growl and glare at him, my dislike for him growing more and more with each passing second. "I don't know," I replied, sarcastically. "I wasn't planning on getting kidnapped."

Lorcian growled and stormed off. His whole body was tense and his body was shaking, letting me know that he was about to shift.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior and looked at his sister. "So, can we get clothes?"

Ari snickered and nodded. "Ya, he gave me his credit card. I think I'm gonna get me some new clothes..." She looked me up and down, chuckling, earning a glare from me. "You look funny."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before going into my new room. I left the door open so Ari could go in as well. "Who all is coming? I am sure that you are coming with me, and I know that your brother does not trust me." I went into the bathroom to check on my cloak and smirked when I felt it was dry.

"I think both Troy and Colt are coming," she said, coming into the bathroom. She glanced at the cloak in my arms and frowned. "Is that not machine washable?"

I shook my head no before walking past her and to the window. I placed the cloak underneath the sunlight so she can see it sparkle. "The cloak is made of special material and a witch's spell. If it's machine washed... it sorta makes the washer machine disappear." I shrugged it on and went to my nightstand where the clip laid and clipped it on.

"Feel better?" Ari asked, amused when I let out a small sigh. She quirked her eyebrow and watched me put on my boots.

"Ya, I'm not as... exposed." I stood and gestured for her to leave, so I can follow her to wherever we had to go.

"You're hot, and you're self-conscious about your body? Why?" She started to walk out the door with me following her, after closing my door.

I shrugged my shoulder and caught up with her so we were shoulder to shoulder. "I only feel comfortable with showing my body to two people. Other than that..." I shook my head and sneered. "Not a lot of people think I am."

Ari sighed and shook her head. She opened her mouth to say something before closing it again. She looked up at me, and I could see that there was respect in her eyes. "You can trust me," she said, offering me a small smile. "I know that you don't trust me, but I will get you to. I'll protect you, even though I can't shift."

I nodded my head and sighed, not saying a word. I knew that one of these days, I just might trust her with my life, but for now I will "try" to get to know her. Let's just hope that she doesn't get scared easily.

"And now we are in the living room where two baboons are waiting for us," Ari said while we entered the living room. She grinned innocently when the two men growled at her before squealing and jumping up and down. "This is going to be so much fun!" she exclaimed.

I hissed and rubbed my ear, trying to get rid if the ringing in my ear. "For you," I grumbled. "I am not particularly fond of trying on new clothes nor shopping."

"Which is why your wardrobe sucks," Ari said, mockingly. She placed her hands on her hips and stuck her tongue out at me. "I mean who wears green over black?"

I gave her a blank look before looking to see the two men looking at me, more importantly at my stomach. I grabbed ahold of my cloak and pulled it so that it covered my stomach and the scar, feeling uncomfortable with their gaze.

"What happened?" Troy asked, his voice filled with some unknown tone. He looked at the scar before looking up at me, his eyes holding a bit of guilt before it was washed away to his cold demeanor.

"You make enemies in my line of business," I replied, coldly. "That is from one of them."

"What happened?" he asked, again.

"Torture." I didn't say anything else but walked out of the room and out of the house.

Memories plagued my mind as I waited for them to come out, and I couldn't help but let out a groan of annoyance. I hated being plagued by my past, but for some unknown reason, it kept plaguing me even when I didn't want it to.

May the Goddess help free my mind from the God forsaken past.


A few minutes later, Troy, Colt, Ari, and surprisingly Lorcian joined me on the porch.

"Protective mate mode is activated," Ari said, sarcastically coming over to my shoulder. She sent an annoyed glare to him and huffed, folding her arms across her chest.

I bit back a snort and turned around to see that he was holding one of his button up shirts and some sweatpants. "What is that for?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I want you to change," he grumbled, trying to hand them to me. "Go change."

I pursed my lips and kept my hands at my side, but this time I kept them in a fist. "And why should I?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow. "I like these clothes."

Ari bit back a snort, causing me to send her an annoyed glance. She grinned innocently and looked at her brother. Her whole face turned into a serious expression, something that looked out of place on her face. "You can ask nicely, ya know?" she asked.

"I won't ask a Rogue to do something," he spat, glaring at me. Dislike and hatred filled his eyes, causing me to think that maybe the Moon Goddess had made a mistake of having him as my mate. "They are vile creatures."

Majesty and Sinopa growled out, and I could feel Majesty wanting to take control. She pushed against the barrier of my mind, causing my whole body to shake from the strain of trying to keep her under control.

"We better just go," Ari said, sensing my anger. "Fox will just wear that and change into new clothing when we get to the store." She grabbed hold of my wrist and lead me to one of the cars that was parked up front. She ignored her brother's growl, tightening her grip on my wrist.

"Not cool, Man. Not cool," Colt said, shaking his head.

Two sounds of footsteps followed us to the car while Ari shoved me in the back. She closed the door and moved to the other side while both Troy and Colt came over. Troy went into the driving seat while Colt got into the passenger seat.

No one said a word while Troy started the car and drove off, leaving behind my fuming mate. 


Answer of Question of chapter: YES I LIKE WAFFLES! 

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now