Chapter 11 (Edited)

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 "What do you mean you can't prepare the meals tomorrow?" Lorcian snarled on the phone while I walked into the kitchen. His eyes were shifting colors, and I knew that if he could, then he would kill whomever he was talking to. "Do you even know who is coming and how important he is?"

I raised an eyebrow when he glared at me and walked to the fridge and grabbed two waters. I drank one and watched as Colt walked in, panting. A smirk was on my face when he glared playfully, his whole body sweating. It's your fault for wanting to train with me, I thought tossing him the water bottle and watched amused as he drunk the whole bottle greedily.

Lorcian huffed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Look, I don't give a fucking damn if your mate just had a baby, and both of them aren't doing well. You are our cook, and the kin-" He snarled when I grabbed the phone from him and danced away.

"Stay with your Pup and mate. I got this," I said in the phone.

"And who the fuck is this?" the male from the other side asked. He was tired, and I could tell that there might have been worse complications with the birth of his child.

I slid over the counter and away from Lorcian, watching him with eyes of a trained warrior. "Foxy Storm," I replied. "I know what the king likes and how to cook. He will be satisfied."

"And if he isn't? I am not going to be going to jail anytime soon," the male asked. "No matter how "popular" you think you are."

An image of the king trying to get me to jail flashed through my mind and caused me to snort. Again, I dodged Lorcian and made sure that I was a good enough distance away. "You will not be," I assured him. "Take care of your pup. Right now, your pup and your mate are your main priorities. The Alpha is probably going to make me cook tonight to make sure I don't "poison' our king." I narrowed my eyes at Lorcian, stopping him from saying anything.

The male chuckled. "Of course, Commander," he said, using my title. He hung up the phone.

I tossed the phone towards Lorcian. "Make him come, and I will gladly send you through hell if the king allows me. You think your training is tough, mine are tougher." I pointed to Colt. "He had a taste of the workout today."

Lorcian growled but didn't say a word. He looked pissed at me, but I could really care less.

I shook my head and walked away to my room. My muscles screamed for a shower, and I wasn't one to say no.


"So what are you going to cook for us?" Colt asked. He and Troy were in the kitchen, telling me where all the pots and pans were placed.

It was around five in the evening, and I was starting to prepare dinner for the people in the Pack House.

"I was thinking chili," I said, taking some stuff out of the now stocked fridge. "Do you like super hot or wimpy?"

"How hot can you get it?" Troy asked, looking rather curious.

I smirked but didn't say a word. It was a family recipe that had even the toughest people cry if they weren't used to it.

"You might want to do both," Colt advised. He grimaced, and I could tell that he wouldn't want to eat the hot one. "And, you might want to label which one is which."

"Meaning, I am going to be eating in the kitchen," I said, knowing full well that someone would try to switch the labels.

"Why not eat with the pack?" Ari asked, coming in followed by Lorcian. She cocked her head, curiously, and I could see that she was a little upset that I wasn't going to be eating with the pack.

"I am making a wimpy chili and a super hot chili," I replied, washing my hands. "And, I do not want someone to change the labels and then be blamed for something I didn't do." I gave Lorcian a pointed look, causing him to snort and roll his eyes. I knew that Lorcian was waiting for me to fail. I could by the look on his face.

And, to be honest, it hurt. It hurt so much to have my mate hate ms as much as he did because he lost people important to him. It hurt, because I knew what it was like loosing people. I had lost my mother, my aunt, my uncle, and my cousin after all. I would've lost my other cousin as well, if I hadn't stepped in and helped, and I knew that she was still struggling to find her place after losing herself.

"Besides," I said, shrugging my shoulder. I turned away from Ari, not wanting her to see the guilt in my eyes. "It's not like I should get attached to the pack." I looked at Lorcian as I said this. "I am leaving soon as it is. Mainly because I am a Rogue, and from what I have been told, Rogues hurt people."

With that, I stayed silent and started to cook the meal. My heart was heavy with guilt about the tension, but I couldn't stay. I couldn't stay in a place that blamed me for all the death.

It was bad enough that I blamed myself, even though I knew it wasn't my fault.

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now