Chapter 24 (Edited)

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"Where is she?" Michael asked, coming out of the van before it was parked. Fear filled his eyes, and I understood why. He cared about her, more than I could say for her supposed mate. He looked up to her, and I could tell that that was something Anastasia was going to need.

"Somewhere in the woods," Blue said, walking over to us. There was a scowl on his face, and I could see the worry in his eyes. "She doesn't want to be found. I'll try to find her later, but first..." He narrowed his eyes at Carter who finally stepped out of the parked van. "Why are you here?"

Carter, looking really worn out and guilty, looked down and cleared his throat. "I... read everything that happened to her," he said, honestly. "And what my... deceased mate had written."

I raised an eyebrow. I knew that my cousin, Alexia, had written something, but I had never seen it. I thought that Anastasia had burnt it, so I was surprised to know that he actually had it. "What do you know?" I asked, not knowing what she had put in her writings. I knew that there was some stuff that she didn't tell me about, and I was wondering if she had placed the stuff in there.

Carter shook his head and cleared his throat. "I... want to talk to her about it first," he said, his voice hoarse. He glanced at the van door when it opened and scowled. "Avery Alexia," he warned when the young girl came out. "What are you doing?" he asked.

Avery shrugged her shoulder, coming over to us. "I wanted to see my cousin," she said. She looked around and frowned, not spying her aunt. "Where is Anastasia?" she asked, looking at me. "Is she still alive?" Her eyes flashed a golden color, showing me the powers that she held.

"She is," I confirmed, spying that she wanted to talk to me. Subtly, I nodded my head before looking at Carter. "Will you be fine with me taking your daughter to see her great-uncle?" I asked. "I know that my father has been wanting to meet her for some time."

"Then why hasn't he come see her?" Carter asked. Anger filled his eyes, and I could tell that his Wolf was annoyed and hurt. "Why hasn't he come to help us? He is the King. He should be helping us do stuff."

"He has been helping," Blue said, his voice holding that tone that he meant business. He folded his arms across his chest and narrowed his eyes. "And, I was advised for him not to come see his great-niece," he added.

Carter folded his arms across his chest and stared Blue down. He set his jaw, and for a minute, I thought he was acting more like a little kid than an Alpha. "By whom?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your mate," he replied. "Alexia." He held up his hand, stopping him from talking. "I can not say why she told her uncle to stay away. I am sworn to secrecy until I deem it safe for it to be known. Anastasia and Jo Anne both know it because they are more directly affected by it than you."

"She is m-"

"She is, also, a Royal," I snapped, interrupting him. I narrowed my eyes at him and bared my teeth, both my Fox and Wolf annoyed with him. "It is dangerous right now for all four of us to be in the same place. That man that controlled Anastasia is a monster. He will do anything in his power to kill the Royals."

"And why would he do that?" Carter asked, turning his gaze to me. "Why would he want to kill a ten-year-old kid?"

"Power," Avery said, causing her father to look down at her. She frowned, scowling up at her dad. She knew that it wasn't safe for him to know what she was, but she knew that it shouldn't mean for him to be acting like an asshole. "If all four of us are dead, then he can claim the throne for himself."

Carter opened his mouth to retaliate before closing it. He glanced at Blue, causing the older man to nod his head in agreement. "You can go with her," he muttered, causing his daughter to squeal in happiness. He narrowed his eyes at me, causing me to growl out a small warning. "But if one piece o-"

"Nothing will happen to her," I promised. I nodded for Avery to go into the direction of the house before looking at my mate. "I'll talk with you later. I am going to need to talk to my father alone with her."

Lorcian nodded his head. "I will make sure that everyone is situated," he said, causing some weight to be lifted off of my shoulder. He pecked my cheek, the sign of compassion so foreign to me, that it caused me to tense up. "I'll see you later."

I stayed silent and nodded my head. I let Avery take my hand and started to follow her towards the house. "How does it look?" I asked.

Avery stayed silent, her grip on my hand tightening. She was trying not to cry, and I couldn't help but wonder what she had seen. She took a deep, shuddering breath and cleared her throat. "Not good," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "Not good at all."

They Call Me Foxy (Book 1 of 'They Call Me' Series) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now