Wedding Bells

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Yep, You heard right, wedding bells.

I mean, not mine.

That would be ridiculous!
I mean i can be mature for my age but marriage? I'm good thanks.


I am at Josh's friends wedding.

Unexpected plus one, woop woop.

Aint no party like a Maya Hart party cause a Maya Hart party dont stop, BITCHESSSS.

I mean the bride and groom must hate me. Could you imagine it? You have your wedding planned, its perfect and in Italy and then, unexpected plus one.
i am the one awkward person every bride hates.

I messed up her master plan of a wedding.

But you know what, fuck her. Because Josh is my date.
This is a date. Like a real one. A date like date. With two people that like each other and want to try being together. That's us now. We're dating.

Josh is in a suit. Bitch looks cute.

But he has to be sweating buckets, like it is hot here and he has a lot of layers on.

Im sorry, im rambling.

Its because im excited.

I honestly lost faith that this day would come, yet here i am.

Here we are. Me and Josh. Josh and me.


I guess that makes today someday.

Im doing it again. The rambling.

There's no way to stop me, this whole i've started and therefore i must finish type thing.

Not to toot my own horn or anything buy i am looking pretty fly too!

I look damn good.

Like out do the bride goooodddd.

My dress is so beautiful, its so simple and yet gorgeous.

With spaghetti straps and a leg slit.

Josh didnt know what hit him when i met him by the fountain, nearly knocked the poor sucker off his feet. That whole knocked his socks off thing. yeah, i did that!

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I am snapped out of my little rambling sink whole by a kiss on the cheek and big, muscular arms wrap around my waist, this is gonna sound cheesy as hell, but it feels like home.

It had better be josh...

Kidding! Kidding! of course its Josh, my guy, my man.

Oh my god how am i doing this again? I've never rambled so much ever!

So new character development for me, i ramble when im happy. And trust me, i havent ever been this happy.

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now