Uncle Boing

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Mr and Mrs Matthews held their first ever Christmas meal in New York 5 years ago. That was when I saw josh for the first time since I was little. He's Mr Matthews brother and Riley's uncle, he's also a little older than me. I developed feelings straight away and I know what you're thinking, 'she's 13, it's a school girl crush'. That's what everyone told me, some people still tell me that, but I know what I felt then and I know what I feel now. 2 years ago he admitted to me that these feeling I was having were mutual but the fact that he was 3 years older than me made it difficult. We agreed to play the long game. He'd go on with his life knowing I was out there and I would do the same. It was hard, knowing he was somewhere, knowing he felt the same way about me that I did about him but having this hurdle that he just wasn't ready to jump yet. I hurt me to think that he was somewhere in this city and that I couldn't see him.

The last time I saw him was about 6 months ago and I know now that he is avoiding me, which makes sense. We spent a year and a half filled with awkward encounters at family meals because he wasn't ready and I was still too young. 6 months ago we talked. We made an agreement that I would stop asking if he was ready, but we also agreed that it hurt too much to see each other and not be together, so 6 months ago we agreed that we wouldn't see each other. Since they weren't actually my family I would stop going to their meals and in return he will come to me when he is ready, when the long game can finally come to an end.

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now