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as the night went on more and more people disappeared. amy and allan had to get to their hotel for the night, taking morgan with them. auggie slipped off to bed, only a short time after corey and topanga. eric, the little cutie, fell asleep on coffee table again (thats right again, i dont know how he does it?!). and farkle and smackle had just slipped out, said they had a plane to catch. that left me, riles, lucas and you guessed it, josh. 

he was the next to stand up, 'neice, ' he said as he looked down at a tired riley in a ball on the sofa, 'i hope youve had an amazing day, you deserve the best things life has to offer.' with that he swooped down kissed her on the fore head and left. i couldnt help but feel like that was the last time i was going to see him, and that hurt more than having him here. 


ok guys, hey. its been a month since Rileys birthday and a lot has happened in that month. i decided to study abroad, i applied a long time ago but didnt end up going because of Adrain but since that's over now here I am in Florence, Italy. This place is amazing, I thought New York was the most artistic place in the world but there is so much art here, its just different to what its like back home. everythings different really, I know for sure that I'm different, but I cant be sure if that's because of this new amazing place or because of the whole Adrian/Josh thing. that night one month ago I decided that life in America was getting too complicated. that sounds so bad, I'm not one of those girls that just runs away because of boy trouble, like "oh no, what if I never get a boyfriend, i'd surely die!?" I'm not like that, there were other things that weighted into my decision. I think the main reason would be college, and the fact that I left. I have a style, I like how I do things and as much as I love art I hate to be told what to draw and when to draw it, so I left. instead I decided to travel, that's how I ended up here, in Florence, I still want to know more about art and everything surrounding it. I want to know more about different cultures and beliefs. I feel like the only way that my artwork can grow is if I grow as a person, which sounds pathetic but yeah.

so here I am, ruling Italy. ive been here for 3 weeks, the day after Rileys birthday I had this big epiphany type thing about what I wanted to do with my life, what I want ot do in the future and how I'm going to get there. then I thought about college and how it wasn't really helping at all In that grand plan, so on that day I dropped out. I decided to study abroad, I wanted to ask riley to come with me but it wouldn't have been fair, plus what could Italy offer her when shes only interested in American history, who knows.  I talked to my mum and to shawn and they said that they would pay for the flight and the first couple of weeks but I would really need to get a job if I want to stay any longer that that. you know me, if I put my mind to something I'm unstoppable, I got a job on my second day here, its tough work but it pays well and there was an apartment for rent upstairs to I just have the rent taken out of my pay.

you heard It right! I, Maya Penelope Hart, am happy. I'm far away from any kind of trouble and far away from my past. I have a job, I'm learning about art and I'm living in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

I'm happy...
that was until right now, right now I don't know what to think because he's here, Josh is here.

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now