Christmas Time

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Christmas is tomorrow and I am going to be seeing josh for the first time in a long time. I tried to say not to the offer of dinner from the Matthews family but it was impossible to tell Topanga no, she used her lawyeryness on me. Mum and Shawn have been travelling and because of the snow storm we are having in New York they haven't been able to get back in, air ports are closed and roads are dangerous. The Matthews were having a similar problem except for the fact that they were trying to get out. Mr Matthew's parents still live in Philly and the whole family usually travel up there for Christmas dinner, the storm has trapped them here. It's done the same to josh. Since neither of us have anywhere to go so the Matthews family have taken us both in. I don't think they know how awkward this is going to be for everyone who has to witness this. On the plus side, I got to see josh again. Is it bad that I've missed his face? I miss just looking at him, I miss the way he looks at me and most of all I miss the way that he makes me feel. That little flutter when your heart skips a beat just because he's there. I'll soon have that again. 

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now