Why so many kinds of love?

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with this untimely realisation i stand up. 

i shouldn't be doing this, why am i doing this? me and adrian are happy, he's always there for me when i need him and he treats me like a princess. ok, so i dont love him the way that i love josh, but i do love him, its just different. 

with josh the love consumes me, its hard to breath when im around him and hearing his voice sends shivers down my spine, its been that way since i saw him all those christmas' ago at the matthews apartment. its like my love for him is all passion, i feel like im on fire whenever he touches me but the thought of him leaving makes me feel like i could be shattered into a thousand pieces. 

but with adrian its different. theres love there, so much love, but its different. so maybe there isnt as much as the burning passion but is that really whats so important in a relationship? with adrian i feel like he will always be there for me, i trust him with my life, its like i know that he wouldnt ever hurt me. he loves me and he treats me like a princess. hes never tried to hide his emotions, never tried to make them go away, hes always been honest that he loved me. he makes me feel safe when he's around. im pretty sure he'd wrestle a bear for me, and bears are pretty scary. 

why are there so many kinds of love? why is that a thing? cant there just be the one? that one person in the world that youre meant to be with and everyone else is just dull and boring until they arrive and bring a technicolor wonderfulness into your life? why would the universe give me these two amazing guys? im too young for this... far to youngto make decisions like this... 

im too young

maybe thats the point. 

josh's original problem with me was my age, he said i was too young and my retort was that i  had mental maturity, well recently ive decided that i dont. i may be 18 but im just a kid, i dont need these big decisions in my life right now. you know who's never had a problem with my age... adrian. he's never cared because we're the same age. what me and adrian have is good, and i have to say that over these past few months ive been happier than ive been in a long time. maybe that is the universe. anyway, josh doesnt seem that interested anymore, it was one kiss, a slip up. i dont like change, i'll just keep things how they are, but i need to tell adrian... i can take him to rileys room, i'll show him the bay window and he'll understand about the kiss. he loves me... he'll understand. 

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now