what a coinkydink?!

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I cant believe it. how is he here? what is he doing here? this cannot be happening!!!

he looks good, its only been a month but I really did forget how good he looks, he is one beautiful man. damn it maya! I know hes beautiful but suck it up, we're mad that hes here! hes just sat in the restaurant with some girl, my restaurant, is he actually attempting to make me jealous!?
he's sat outside so he technically isn't in my section and I could use this as an excuse to avoid him at all costs, I could disappear into the back and wait until he leaves, but no. I am maya hart and if theres one thing I do best its confrontation (ok so its not the thing I actually do best but that's just a figure of speech). we aren't that busy today so Lena (my fellow waitress) is ok when I ask to swap sections. I grab two menus, my notebook and pen and head outside.

"Good Afternoon sir, madam, would you like some menus?" I say as I slam them down on the table in front of josh and this blonde bimbette. she looks up, disgusted that I have the audacity to act like that to a customer and not apologise, I guess she doesn't know who I am. "I personally think you should leave, If I know you like I think I do, you wont like whats here" I direct at Josh but she replies first...
"and what would you know about us?"
"I think I know josh better than he knows himself," I say and at this his ears perk up, before hes been looking at the menu, not paying any attention to what was going on here.
"yep, now leave, leave the restaurant, leave Florence??? why are you even here anyway, following me? I cannot believe that you would come out here, especially because youre part of the reason I left!! and bringing a dyed blonde stick insect? is that supposed to make me jealous?? I ACTUALLY CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!!"
For a moment theres stunned silence so I take the opportunity to flip my hair and walk away, as I leave I yell back "get out josh"

As I walk back inside I hear a clatter outside and I hear him call my name. come on maya, you are strong, you are strong, you are strong, and with that I turn back. "what?"

but before I could say anything else he kissed me, a deep and passionate kiss, one that I couldn't resist because before I knew it I was kissing him back, wow this is unprofessional. when the kiss finally came to an end after what felt like an eternity, one amazing lifetime, everyone was staring and I began to blush.
"what was that?"
"its fate"
"umm, no I'm pretty sure you following me to Italy and kissing me isn't fate, its stalking..."
"that's the whole point maya, I didn't follow you. I wanted to, I really wanted to come and find you, but nobody would tell me where you'd gone. I tried looking, tried to figure it out but I honestly couldn't, I'm here with clare and her fiancé Jake, theyre getting married here tomorrow, I'm the best man. that's why I'm here, I wasn't going to come but I'm so glad that I did because youre here and ive found you!" and then he was kissing me again and the whole world disappeared.

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now