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Adrian is a volunteer at St Hopes hospital. That's actually where we met. He was there on Christmas, he watched me be wheeled in, he also watched (or shall I say heard) what happened between me and josh. He was standing outside my room about to come in and check on me when I woke up and found josh by my side. He heard everything that I said and everything that josh said and when josh finally left he was the first into my room. He brought me ice cream, and even though we'd never met I felt like I could trust him, he comforted me. Days went by and he kept visiting, we grew close and he because a friend, a close friend. I don't know when I stopped thinking about him as a friend, maybe it was around the time I stopped thinking about josh everyday, but it happened and now I can only hope that he feels the same way about me that I feel about him.

In 2 years time.(joshaya)Where stories live. Discover now