[ 21 ] ㅡ escapade

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It's two in the afternoon and we are presently preparing ourselves since we're all practically going home, except for me but they are clueless about that. They don't know that most of my remaining days are intended to be spent with someone very special to me. He didn't laid out the itinerary of our travel together though. All I know is we'll be going out somewhere, telling me to bring some clothes.

"I still can't believe Min PD's already taken!" Kara-eonni yelled the same statement that her mouth generates whatever chance it gets for the last two days, packing her things to a large luggage. "And I can't help think that it's you, Dayan, that he could possibly been dating," she added, placing the last piece of her cloth into the bag.

"Same thoughts within that moment. The coincidence was just timing. Yeah, definition of coincidence," Lexie interjected, laughing.

For the past two days, I'm not afraid anymore except for that day. My heart beated faster than its normal pace. I was really afraid that they could have made me spill the beans but fortunately, no.

"I would have probably suspected but Dayan-eonni and Min PD aren't even close in the first place. Our eonni's traumatized. Remember the pig incident," Siara went along, zipping her black duffel bag.

"Plot twist, they are really dating and this not-close thing is just a cover up of their hidden relationship," Calli gossiply stated as she playfully battered her lashes.

I was stopped in the middle of putting the remaining of my wardrobe in my travel backpack. Calliㅡ you are seriously creeping me out.

"Maldo andwae!" Kara-eonni shouted. "But it would have been better if it's Dayan rather than not knowing the girl at all," she added, pouting.

Oh really? Should I tell you the truth now? Is this the right time to say it?ㅡoh, how I wish. I know you are just saying that because you never see me that I can be a competition.

"Honestly, girls, if there is someone to suspect. It's Mina-ger. Although, we didn't saw her exchanging messages with Min PD but they are more likely to end up together. Both are young and almost in the same age. They are already mature and they seem close," Siara interposed, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, they look cute togetherㅡno! This is so heartbreaking!" eonni shrieked, taking back what she said.

Damn, hearing my friends shipping my boyfriend to another girl is cringe-worthy. Double damn for the fact that the girl is very dear to me. And lastly, triple damn for the reason that I cannot complain about it.

"Ladies, we've forgotten one girl. She is the biggest prospect in my opinion," Calli exclaimed, her index finger resting on her chin.

"Who?" the three girls asked in chorus.


Wrong. If you all just knew. I wish I could just say something, you know?

"No! I'll work harder than before and we'll push her off the charts until our achievements can bury her up to the depths of the Earth's crust, wiping her out of the world's history!" Kara-eonni declared in full determination and dislike, shaping her palm into a fist.

Eonni, if you'll knew that it's me, would you push me out of the group? Hearing your words right now is making me scared. I wonder what could be our future.

"That is so brutal," Lexie commented, grimacing.

"But girls, it's 2023! The rumor between them existed years ago. Like it was somewhere between 2017 and 2018. Them, being together seems illogical to begin with," Calli noted.

"But it's only Suran he got entangled with. Like ever. We have no other girl anymore that we could associate with Min PD," Lexie reminded.

"You've got a point there," Calli pointed out.

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