[ 5 ] ㅡ shutterbug

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The sunbeams that passed straight right through the window and silky light purple curtains are hitting my face, awakening my soul. Everyday scenarios like this never misses to piss me off but today was different. I woke up before my alarm clock could do its job which is unusual for a girl named Dayan Lee. Your protagonist isn't a morning person. I'm sorry. But I think this info isn't special. I believe that most people love to spend more time on their beds. Come on, laziness is an innate trait.

I was dragging my ass out of the bed when suddenly my phone rung. It's Kaz. Okay, you know, this girl is weird. She loves waking up early in the morning even though we finished doing rehearsals at dawn. We stopped at 2 AM, she wakes up at 5. Like is she normal?

Basically for me, if we had the chance to sleep at 2, I wake up at six in the evening, if I don't have classes and when I don't have to go to work as a part-timer at a chicken restaurant in a specific day. I mean, I have read that if you always lack sleep, it could kill you. That's why I always try to get a lot of sleep as much as possible even if it means that I have to skip practice. Yeah, I love what I do but sometimes it becomes tiring. We all have those days, people. And I never get tired of telling Kazzie about that but she just don't listen. Well, all people die anyways.

"Speak," I said idly, blinking my drowsiness away. For some reason, I feel sleepy once again.

"You mean, good morning?" she retorted.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me," I replied abruptly.

"Eonni, I'm not!" she exclaimed, defending herself.

"I know you, Kaz. You are probably raising your hand at the moment. Now, what do you want?" I queried.

"You are so unbelievable," she remarked, sighing. "Well, can we meet up later at our usual spot? I miss you, eonni!" she added cheerfully, changing her emotions in just a snap.

"Aren't you busy?" I asked as I walked towards the kitchen, putting the call into speakers so that I can lay it down the counter while making myself a breakfast.

"After the incident? Our group is a laughing stock at the moment. We are into hiding for the meantime. We'll come out once they got sick of it. Haven't you seen the memes on the internet?" she answered, a hint of sadness in her voice.

I paused for a moment while holding a bottle of milk. "No," I slowly responded. I have no time to go surfing in the net. My life's a whole mess. I need to fix it first before prying over other peoples' lives.

"I hate my groupmates and now we are a joke in the country. Good thing that Lina's here, eonni. I still have a reason to hold on and have faith in this floppy group. If it wasn't for her, I would have left already and started my own solo career," she confessed.

I poured the milk on a bowl full of cereal. Yeah, yeah, I'm already 24 but what's wrong with cereal? Cereals are tasty.

"Everything will be alright. People will forget soon," I assured her, scooping on to my bowl.

"I just hope so. Okay, we'll talk more later. See you later at six, eonni."

"This morning or later this evening?" I inquired, looking at the time on my phone.

"Morning," she quickly replied.

"What? It's almost six. I haven't even took aㅡ" I didn't had the chance to finish my sentence when she hanged up on me.

"Wow, how dare you?" I hissed, sending glares to my phone like it'll reach Kaz and electrify her.

I brought back my focus on the sweet edible thing in front of me. "Oops," I suddenly stopped, bowing my head. "Sorry, Lord. I forgot to say my prayers," I apologized. "Thank You for this food. Amen," I thanked Him with my eyes closed, clasping my hands at the same time. Yes, I am a sinner but we all have our beliefs, people.

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