Season 2 new begining

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"Excuse me but you dated Marco in the 7th grade okay he is not worse than Brian. Brian was sweet he just didn't know that crayons where something you don't eat" I say innocently to Lydia while I paint her nails. "Right" she said sarcastically. I am sitting with Lydia at the hospital painting her nails.

"Well Marco isn't worse than Justin so" she said with a smug look on her face. I chuckle at her. "Fine okay you win" I said laughing along with her. I paint the last top coat on her last nail. "There you are al done. But if one of the nurses ask your nails where like that to begin with." I say while putting the nail polish back in my bag and lie down next to her and rest my head on her shoulder. Its only been a few days but its hard to ignore Derek but he has not appeared on my room he nocks on the front door. And calls. And leaves cards at my window every morning which I like although I shouldn't.

"Are you holding up okay?" Lydia asks snapping me out of my thoughts. "I feel I should be asking you that. I'm doing okay I miss him but he lies and he used me and I just need my space. Although I probably could of handled it better." we both laugh. I had to change some factors of the story so that Lydia didn't know about the supernatural.

A little update. Tori went back home. Alive. Which is making me confused since I had my vision. And Sebrina went back to school. She said she didn't want to leave but she had to. I miss them but I love Lydia and she talks for all of them with the amount she says.

"ohf Lydia, you really need a shower. Geez" she laughed. "Ans that's why we are best friends" Lydia said while grabbing her bag of toiletries and headed to the bathroom. I start to clean up everything and leave the room.

"Hey Mr M how are you doing" I said to Lydia's dad that was in the waiting room. "Hey Maddie. I'm good. Just glad your hear to take Lydia's sarcasm rather than me." I chuckle lightly at his comment. I look over to see stiles lying over the waiting chairs. I laugh at him having a very obvious dream about Lydia. I leave my mom and Mr Martin to talk and I walk over to stiles. I lean down the his face and shout loudly in his ear. He screams and falls of the chairs. I double over in laughter as he got up from the floor with a piece of food stuck in his hair.

I flick it of his fore head and grab his arm. "C'mon looser you getting me skittles." I said pulling him towards the vending machine. He protests of coarse but I don't budge. We get their and stiles try's to get the skittles although they get stuck half way. "Stiles I can get it" I say about to punch through the glass. "no see look I got it" He starts shaking the vending machine till it falls over and smashes on the ground.

"Great job dufus." I said mockingly. Just as we were about to lift it up I heard Lydia screaming. Me and Stiles look at each other before running of to the showers. I push open the locked door and pull aside the wet shower Curtin to reveal......

nothing. she was gone. Lydia was gone

Me and stiles run out of the hospital and jump into stiles' jeep. Stiles hand Lydia's robe to Scott who is sitting on the other side of me. Just as we were about to leave Alison runs up to the window. "What are you doing here? someone might see you" Scott says. Him and Alison are having a secret relationship. uhhg gag me. "I don't care okay she is one of my best friends and we need to find her before my parents do. I just saw 6 men leave in two black USV's." Alison says looking tired. "search party" Scott mutters. "Nope, Hunting party, get in" I say to Alison. She jumps in the back and we start the car.

Scott sticks his head out the window and told us where to go. I feel my phone ringing in my pocket. I look at the screen. "hey Isaac what's up?" I ask. we haven't talked in ages.

"Maddie I think there is someone in the graveyard with me"

"Isaac I told you to stop doing night shifts is dangerous not to mention the ghosts"

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