The morning after

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I woke up to the sound of a beating heart next to my ear. I looked up and smiled at Derek while he lay the sound asleep.
"Morning Maddie" ok maybe not so sound asleep. I chuckled and got up then put my hoodie on. Derek sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"The full moon is tonight. How do you feel?" Derek questioned. I thought about it for a second. "Tired, stressed, like I'm failing maths, in need of coffee and I really need a shower" I replied smoothly. He chuckled and came closer.

His hands where on my hips and his face so close to mine I could feel his breath clash against mine. His eyes where studying mine and I let them go to my werewolf eyes ( turquoise with a red ring) but I had no idea how. A smile tugged on the corners of his lips while I let my hands grasp his neck.

He leaned in closer and just we were just about to close the gap when I heard mom open the front door. Me and Derek instantly broke apart filling the room with an awkward silence.
" Emm, I should um..... go but uh... I'll ahh see you tonight" Derek said stuttering and I nodded my head. He left through the window and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I could still feel the lingering touch he left on my hips as I walked downstairs. My mom was sitting on the couch exhausted. " hey mom? Why don't I make some breakfast and you can go to bed. Yeah?" She nodded thankfully and I went to the kitchen and made pancakes.

After breakfast I walked to the park near my house to get some air. It was still a little dark but I could see fine. I sat on the swing and felt my body stiffen as I came across a smell I was familiar with. I stood up and let me claws come out. Something Derek showed me when he first told me u was a werewolf .

I turned around to see the alpha facing me. You know how most girls in movies when they come face to face with a demon and they obviously start running cos it's a fucking demon? Well I was sadly not one of those people. I'm to stubborn are too much of a smart ass to do the sensible thing.

I growl and the alpha looked a bit taken back that I hadn't run away. If you cringe at someone making terrible situations worse look away. "I know you are a dog, but really?" I said with a few head movements. "Cat got your tongue?" He growled back at me. "Shit" I yelled and dodged his lunge. We started fighting.

Half way through the fight I stopped and started laughing. Yep. I'm fighting and alpha. He is winning btw. He could easily kill me. And I start laughing. Because I'm fighting an alpha and I have been a werewolf for the whole of 5 mins. What is wrong with me.

The alpha looks terrified. Yep. He was shitting himself. Probably because a girl started laughing hysterically because she was about to die? He was stunned and I managed to kick his legs causing him to fall. Then I do the smart thing and run. I looked behind me to see who was following me and it was Derek. I let out a sigh of relief as I stopped running.

I turned to look at him, quickly catching my breath. I was ready for him to say 'wow you can fight' or ' I'm glad you ok' even 'that was stupid but you are really strong.' I was completely wrong " ARE U CRAZY. HE WAS ABOUT TO KILL YOU."
He yelled in frustration. I looked at him like he was telling me I wrong but I know I'm right. Everyone knows that look. Derek sighed. "4 things you did that where stupid. 1- you left the house alone when you knew the alpha was after you. 2- you decide to fight the alpha. 3- you made a dog joke to the alpha and 4- you laughed when he was bout to kill you. So once again. ARE YOU CRAZY. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" He said obviously referring to the situation. I thought for a second and replied. " I recently turned into a werewolf. I'm being hunted. I'm failing maths. My hair is getting oiler by the second. My hips are a bit asymmetrical. I have a really annoying twin brother. I'm such a smart ass, to smart for my own good. My sarcasm gets me in trouble allllll the time. Oh and I...." Derek I interrupted me with his lips pressed on mine. At first I was  taken back but I quickly began kissing him back. My hands trailed up to his neck and one started pulling at the ends of his hair while one of his hands where on the small of my back and the other holding my cheek.

The kiss was soft but passionate. Our lips where in sync like a song and I didn't want it to end. We slowly pulled away a looked at each other. We where still in same position and his warm breath fanned my nose.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked. We stayed in the same position until he pulled back a little. He lifted my shirt a bit a I looked at the claw marks. I gave him a confused look. "I felt your pain." I smiled and close the gab between us once more when I came to my senses. " fuck" I say quickly pulling back he gives me a confused look when i start pulling him way.
" remember we are being chased by an alpha??" He smiles before sprinting a long side me to my house.

When we where almost their he pick me up and threw me on his back so He was essentially giving me a piggy-back ride. I pecked just behind his ear while he was still running to my house.

Derek is perfect at everything I love him so m...........
I interrupted my own thoughts when trying to shake them out of my head. It's too soon to love him. I've known him for like 3 days and this isn't a Wattpad book. ( 😉). It's too soon..... but is it..

Omg guys they kissed. What do you think about this chapter.  I can't wait for what I have in store. But there is definitely going to be a bit awkward on the full moon. Maddie might be able to
Stay in control some ways but not others. Dun dun duhinn.

Thanks for reading.

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