No just why.

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So there's this article that just made me not only mad, but also made me go on a full on rant for 20 minutes straight

There's this article on made by Elyse Walczyk that just.....UGHHHH

Now don't get me wrong, you can dislike any musical you want but...

Her article was ranting about DEH is not a good play, none to less good theater.

In the article that was posted, it said the following:

"Dear Evan Hansen is too lacking in genuine artistry or originalitydespite its nominally "original" source materialto qualify as good Theatre. Its book and score are, at best, inept reproductions of pedestrian pop cultural mediocrities. The script attempts to pass off the plot of a middling teen movie or young adult novel as high drama; the score likewise suffers as a bland imitation other contemporary pop/rock musicals. Any play so lacking in creativity and artistic merit would ordinarily fail to elicit the visceral anger and disgust I have for Dear Evan Hansen, but these artistic failures (its failure as good Theatre) are bolstered by its ethical deficiencies (its concomitant failure to be Good theatre). Dear Evan Hansen is not the powerful, moving, socially conscious work critics have made it out to be. Dear Evan Hansen is a toxic piece of theatre, a morally bankrupt exploitation of the experience of mental illness. Dear Evan Hansen relies on not only formulaic, but legitimately dangerous ideas about people with such experiences, and perpetuates them with enthusiasm and self-righteousness.
Dear Evan Hansen is evil."

And I just want to argue about that with you person who I don't know the gender to.

How can you call Dear Evan Hansen evil???

This play, not only is the play a genius concept and has beautiful music in it, but also underlying and amazing story and extraordinary character development.

The story doesn't have to be "Original" just look at Wicked for example, wouldn't Wicked also fit this category of "lacking in creativity" because it's based off the Wizard of Oz, And Oz but just follows a different character's story line?

And what do you mean "lacking in artistry."? This musical has some of the most greatest development of characters, and some very nice broadway music! The music gives emotion to the listener, talking about trust, depression, love, and loss, and of course manipulation. You can not tell me that's not some of the most artistic ways to bring a person to listen to the musical.

She goes on to say:

"It has been suggested to me that I simply don't "get it"; I am not, after all, unfamiliar with being the odd one out when it comes to takes on popular entertainment. This would perhaps be true if Dear Evan Hansen's flaws did not extend beyond its artistic and technical defects. I believe the opposite is true: that I "get it" too deeply, that because I manage psychological conditions similar to those depicted onstage, I have a direct, immediate, and instinctual insight into the play. It has also been suggested to me that this is in actuality a bias, blinding me to what the show really is.
This is ludicrous.
This is logically identical to saying I can't appreciate the hilarity of a joke that is objectively homophobic because I am gay. I don't lack a sense of humor because I'm queer; the joke lacks humor because it is homophobic. (Incidentally, this has also come up with regard to Dear Evan Hansen, particularly with respect to a character and entire musical number that exploit the idea of closeted gay teens for laughs.) Ableism and homophobia are biases; having a mental illness and being queer just make it easier to spot them.
I'm not the one with a problem.
This play has a problem. Anyone who defends this play has a problem. The target audience for this playessentially anyone who thinks television series like Thirteen Reasons Why are important steps forward in public discourse surrounding adolescent depression and suicidehas a problem."

Ok obviously this is a person who gets offended really easily.

And that is the weirdest thing I ever read.

Look person, I'm gay too, IM VERY GAY. And a lot of people in that community are gay. Yet, you want to say it's homophobic?!??
And what do you mean "If anyone defends this play you got a problem?" Dude, that's like saying "If you defend ice cream you have a problem." Like, girl, chill for one, but also, people can defend anything they want, who are you to tell me that I have a problem because I defend and throughly enjoy this musical?!?

There is too much in this article because it's just...ugh too long but you can find it on or whatever...

Yeah, I lost my will to talk about this.

But, what do you guys think about this, please leave your thoughts in the comments. I would love to know.

Till next time, I'll see you guys soon whenever I post again

Also do I sound mean, because that's not my intention ;—;


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