Jealous Easily Babe

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It's not that I don't like Zoe it's just I made her a dick in my story. IM SORRY I ACTUALLY LOVE ZOE! I FEEL BAD BUT THIS IS HOW THE STORY WILL GO :(

Also I feel like this should just be a smut book at this point because this involves heavy petting that is really close to Smut . What is wrong with me I have no idea, all I know is that I'm a fujoshi. The end. Now on with the story.

(....) is where the smut starts

3rd person POV. 20xx

Connor was an easily jealous person.

Mainly over Evan Hansen. His best friend but also his crush. He liked him since freshman year. He always thought Evan was adorable and just a cutie in personality. No one could resist him. Especially his sister Zoe. Well, if you didn't know Zoe acted like she was head over heals for Evan. But Connor loved him way more than her. Zoe had a lot and I mean a lot, boyfriends in the past which made Connor sick to his stomach.

One day in particular made Connor go ballistic in his head. Sworn with jealousy.

"Hi Evan!" Zoe said in her upbeat voice. Evan turned around from his locker to greet her. "Oh, hey Zoe!" Zoe
Looked at him in his gorgeous eyes for a second and said. "I wanted to know if you could go to prom with me!" Evan almost choked on his spit. "What? Zoe I" Zoe rolled her eyes. "Come on I mean, we could dance together, we could win prom queen and king, maybe even make out in the storage room if we get that far." Zoe said kind of sexily stepping closer to Evan. Evan was a blushing mess at this point.

He didn't like Zoe no, but wouldn't almost anybody blush at an offer like that. He just imagined Connor saying that, making his face a deep crimson. Standing there stuttering for too long Zoe got bored with him, her persona kind of dropping.

"Well let me know if you decide on it." She said swaying her hips as she walked away. Evan blinked in shock and shook his head, trying to cope with what just happened.
"What the Hell." He said quietly. He liked Connor not Zoe. And wouldn't you know it, speak of the devil Connor, just saw and heard the whole thing. His teeth were clenched, along with his hands, his cheeks were slightly read from anger, he was pissed. But lucky for him he was good at hiding it. He walked over to Evan.

"Hey Evan your face is so red, are you ok." Connor said as he cupped his cheek in his hands. Evan blushed harder is that was even possible at this point. "Y-Yeah, I'm...I'm f-f-fine, Zoe was j-just offering...offering me something..." As Evan said that both of there eyes landed on each other. They both had a longing gaze on eachother making Connor's cheeks get hot. Evan's whole body was probably red at this point.

Connor leaned in and pecked his forehead before moving away.

"I'll see you after school ok?" Connor said strutting away in the process.
"Okay." Evan said. And so the flustered Evan went to his class.

(Time skip to after school)

It was after school now and Evan was outside with Connor walking to his house. Connor told Evan if he could stay over at his house tonight which Evan obliged to.

They got to Evan's house and decided to watch a movie. What movie you ask, Well the movie was Pocahontas, both of them seem to enjoy it so why not. Plus they didn't want to bother finding any other movies on Netflix/Hulu (your choice)

As they were watching the movie Evan got a text from Zoe

🥨Zoe🥨: Hey, have you decided yet sexy ;)

Evan glanced at his phone, which Connor also took a sneak peak at, making him super angry at this point. He looked away from the text and decided to do something. He wrapped his arms around Evan's waist and pull him onto his lap. Evan noticing the action at the last minute, wanted to die of embarrassment. Connor laid his head on Evans's shoulder whispering softly, "I hate her so much." Smiling softly. Evan's eyes probably had hearts in it at this point. That boy was helpless.

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