Chapter 33: Hostage time

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Victor POV

I was fighting a man in a hockey mask with a machete and another man with a weird looking mask and a chainsaw when I got knocked out. I woke up just a minute ago. Why are there chains around me? I'm back in my house. What the-. I see someone in the corner. Wait a minute that's the same hillbilly that distracted me from killing those other two. If I wasn't in chains right now, I would mutilate his skinny body. I see the other hillbillies and.... that hockey mask wearing behemoth. The other one, the fat one was right next to him. I got a better look at his mask. Its like a leather-face. I wanted to attack so bad.

???: Hey look whose awake... we ahh- had to chain you up so that... well you get the point

I roared.

???: WOW!!!!! Hey this big guy means business.... maybe we should kill him...

I'll just come back. Suddenly the guy in the hockey mask walked over to me. He sat down in the chair infront of me and tilted his head. I tilted mine in confusion. Suddenly he removed his mask and revealed his face. It was rotten, but when I look closer, not only was it rotten but.... it was also deformed... like my face. I get why he wasn't really trying to kill me when we were fighting, which by the way I could tell because many people have tried to kill me before. I guess this guy was trying to get threw to me. I wanted to know his name. He put his hockey mask back on.

???: OKEY SOOOO.... maybe we should introduce ourselves... no one's gonna do that?... Alright fine I introduce eveeyone... my name is Drayton, thats Niddins, thats grandpa, thats....

The fat one was freaking out.

Drayton: You'll have to excuse Leatherface... he's always like that...

So what was the name of the man in the hockey mask?

Drayton: Oh! And that's Jason

He pointed to the man in the hockey mask.

Drayton: So what about you sonny... what's your name?

I didn't answer.

Drayton: Oh come on don't tell me that your another one of them guys who can't speak

I hated talking. Jason gave me a board and a marker. He unchained my hands and sat back down. I guess he wasn't concerned about me escaping. I take the board and marker and wright my name on it.

My name it Victor...

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