Chapter 32: Jason and Leatherface Vs. Victor

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No one's POV

Victor, as always, struck first. He aimed for Leathetface seeing that Leatherface wasn't in any form of defence. Leatherface merely got out of the way of Victor's hatchet. Jason swung his machete. It hit Victor in the shoulder, but Victors muscles made it only a little affective. Victor then punched Jason in the ribs. It didn't hurt, but it was still the hardest hit Jason ever took. Both big men stared at each other. Jason was used to towering over his victims, but he and Victor were nearly the same height, so Jason just stared strait into Victors eyes. Victor went for another attack, but Jason wasn't about to let it happen. Jason kick Victor in the leg. Victor was actually surprised. Victor was about to slash his hatchet, but Jason blocked his attcked with his machete. Jason forced the hatchet out of Victors hand. Jason was able to pin Victor to a tree and hold his machete to Victors neck. Jason was trying to figure out what to do sense he found Victor quite interesting and didn't feel much like killing Victor. Victor didn't feel the same way though. Victor grabbed a nearby branch and smashed it at Jasons head. Jason stumbled back. Leatherface was finally ready to attack. He swung his chainsaw at Victor. However, Victor was quicker then he looked. Victor dodged Leatherface's chainsaw and punched Leatherface in the face. Leatherface fell to the ground dropping his chainsaw. Victor reached down, picked him up and threw him into a tree. Leatherface moaned as he laid helpless on the ground. Jason forced Victor into the tree again from behind by surprise. Jason held his hand on the back of Victors head pressing him against the wall with his arm stretched out. Victor tried to reach for Jason but Jason stepped back holding Victor in place. Victor realized that Jason was much stronger then Michael. Jason was wondering how to get Victor to calm down when he was suddenly elbowed in the shoulder by Victor. Jason stumbled back and Victor spun around and grabbed Jason's shoulders. The two big men struggled with each other. Victor was by far the strongest opponent Jason has ever faced. Victor tried to throw Jason to the ground, but he ended up being thrown to the ground. Jason then grabbed Victor and yanked him up. Victor proceeded to punch Jason again, but Jason caught Victor fist and grabbed Victor by the throat and lifted him up and slammed him into the ground. Jason stared at Victor. Jason new Victor wasn't dead, not even close. Jason remembered the chains they had in the truck. Victor suddenly sat up. Jason was shocked at how quickly Victor had recovered from that. Jason kicked Victor in the face and Victor went down again. Jason stomped on Victor to keep him down. Leatherface was finaly recovering and walking over to Jason. Victor suddenly kicked Jason off of him. Victor got up quickly and attacked again. Throwing punches and kicks at Jason and lifting him up and throwing him on the ground. Leatherface came over go assist Jason. Leatherface tackled Victor. Leatherface punched Victor in the face. With no effect, Victor punched Leatherface back. Leatherface fell down again with his hands on his face. Victor went to retrieve his hatchet. The Sawyers watched with amazement. They would have done something had they brought there guns with them. Victor reached down for his hatchet, then he looked up to see Jason with a log. Jason smashed the log on Victor's head. Victor stumbled back. Jason grabbed Victor by the throat and threw him on to a rock. Victor roared in pain. Jason then grabbed a piece of shard glass that was on the ground and stabbed Victors shoulder with it. Victor roared again. Victor grabbed a rock and smashed it to the side of Jason's head. Leatherface was on Victor in no time. Victor however threw Leatherface off and grabbed him by the legs and swung him at Jason. Leatherface crashed into Jason and they both fell. Victor was about to land another attack, when Drayton came running with Jason's machete charging at Victor. Victor grabbed Drayton by the throat and slammed him onto the ground. Nibbins and was running at Victor with weapons they got from Victor's shaft. Victor grabbed a branch and swung at him with full force. He ducked for impact and just in time too. Victor missed. Victor threw the branch at them. They ran off... but they did do something useful, they distracted Victor. Jason grabbed Victor by the face and drug him over to a rock. Victor tried to wrestle his way out but Jason was too strong. Jason lifted Victor up by the head and smashed his head on the rock knocking Victor out cold.

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