Chapter 21: Such a delight

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Candyman POV

The leprechaun had contacted me saying he wanted me to come to Victor's swamp. I wonder why he wants to meet there. He said that he wanted me to meet someone. If he was keeping someone at the Honey Island Swamp, Victor would have torn them apart already. I crossover threw a mirror at the Swamp. I suddenly am greeted by the leprechaun. He somehow knew I would come threw this mirror. Victor was there greeting me with a monstrous growl. Figures.

Leprechaun: Well, you got here quick, you always have your sneaky tricks

I find his rhymes humorous.

"So, who do you want me to meet?"

Leprechaun: Have you heard of the legendary Michael Myers?

"Yes, yes I have"

The leprechaun points to a chair. Someone was siting in that chair. Well, know I know why Victor didn't tear him apart. Michael Myers is also hard to take down. I walk over and hold my hand out to shake Michael's hand. He looks at me and then stands up. He slowly takes my hand and shakes it. Victor was sharpening his hatchet and the leprechaun was just watching. I wonder what Michael's purpose for killing his sister was. 

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