Chapter 31: The meeting we have all been waiting for

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Jason POV

It was just a croc hunter. We killed him. We were just about to leave when Chomp-Top said...

Chomp-Top: What the hell is that?!!

He was pointing behind me. I turned. Standing there was a man... a huge man, like me. He was wearing overalls and was built with bulky muscles. I couldn't see his face because he was walking away from us. I could have sworn he was holding a bloody hatchet. Did he do all of this? I was getting very curious.

Drayton: Did you see the muscles on that big motherf*cker

Nibbins: And I thought Jason was big...

That guy was bigger then me. Well... when it comes to muscles, I think this guy was the real deal. I look at Leatherface. I couldn't read his expression threw his mask but I could tell that he wanted to follow this guy. So we did. Victor kept his chainsaw off just so that we wouldn't alert this guy. The odds were clear. This guy was much taller then Leatherface and very muscular. Leatherface was kinda fat.... I'm glad he can't tell what I was thinking. We came to this house that was... a wreck.


I have a feeling that whatever was making that sound was coming from in there. Leatherface was frightened, but I walked strait to the cabin. I'm Jason Voorhees. I'm not a normal person. I'm not going to be afraid of some little haunted house. Leatherface followed along. Suddey the Sawyers were shouting something. What's up with them? Leatherface's chainsaw roared to life as he yanked on the pull. I was confused. What were they so alarmed about? Suddenly I heard roaring. I looked at the house in front of us and saw the same man we saw earlier. This time I could see his face.... was he.... deformed... like me? I found myself feeling some sort of connection with this man. Then he came running at us. I could see he had a mark on his face. It looked like a hatchet mark. He was holding the hatchet and raising it to attack. I found myself holding up my machete. Leatherface and I are going to half to defend ourselves for once.

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