"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, It's just that Jungkook is very..." Taehyung trailed off.

"I understand," Namjoon assured him, "We all do. Is he alright now?"

Taehyung smiled fondly and the younger in his arms.

"He will be."

Just then Jin walked in.

"How is he?" He asked, nodding to the sleeping boy.

"He's going to be just fine," Taehyung told the older.

"Good. I was going to check in a while ago, but I heard him crying so I decided not to disturb you. From the sound of it, though, he was confiding in you?"

Taehyung nodded.

"That's good news," Jin smiled, "It means he's on his way to recovery. People who've suffered emotional trauma get sick easily and find it hard to recover. Bottling up emotions also leads to slower recovery. Now that he's recovering emotionally, he'll recover physically as well. Taehyung, you may have just saved his life."

[a/n: this is probably not true. I sort of made it up/made an assumption based on the fact that pain slows the healing process.]

There was a moment of silence. 

Taehyung looked down at the boy in front of him, fondness in his gaze. Suddenly, an 'aawwwwwww' came from behind the door.

"Shut up!" That was Yoongi's voice.

Suddenly, Hoseok and Yoongi stumbled into the room.

"Great. Good job, Hoseok," Yoongi scoffed as he straightened himself.

"Shush, they're having a moment," Hoseok cooed as he looked at Tae and Kook.

"There are too many people in here," A muffled voice startled them.

Taehyung looked down, his cheeks gaining a pink tint.

"Jungkook! How long have you been awake?"

"The whole time," Jungkook mumbled sheepishly, still not moving his face from being buried in Taehyung's stomach.

Hoseok squealed like a girl.

"This is too cute!"

"Whatever," Jungkook sighed.

Finally, Jungkook looked up. His face was puffy and his eyes were red. He looked soft and vulnerable. Everyone was surprised to see the change so prominent in him.

"Jungkook, you look... different," Yoongi said, breaking the silence.

Jungkook smiled. His smile looked truly happy.

"Yes. I feel different."

Taehyung couldn't take it anymore. He pounced on the younger, attacking him with hugs and kisses.

"I can't believe it!" He cried happily, tears welling up in his eyes, "Jungkook, you have no idea how happy I am right now!"

They turned to each other and shared a proper hug, closing their eyes and smiling.

Hoseok and Jin both squealed like little girls. Namjoon smiled.

"Cute," was all Namjoon had to say.

"I knew it! You two are totally couple!" Hoseok practically screamed.

Jungkook grinned, his eyes gleaming- no longer with tears, but with joy.

"Yes, we are," He confirmed as he gave Taehyung a peck on the cheek.

Yoongi sighed. They all turned to him, confused as to why he seemed disappointed.

"Dang it, now I'm too fond of you. Well, since there's no way I'm giving you two up now," He smiled, glancing meaningfully at Namjoon and Jin, silently asking them something.

Hoseok jumped up and down, clapping his hands.

"Yay! That's a yes from Yoongi!" He then turned to Namjoon, "Please oh please Namjoon? Can we keep them?" He pleaded.

Namjoon sighed but couldn't stop a smile from creeping onto his face.

"Of course," He said.

They all group hugged around the two survivors, trapping them in a circle of laughter.

"Welcome to the family, kids," Yoongi murmured, giving them each a hug before returning to stand beside Hoseok, a cute gummy smile decorating his face.

"Thank you guys so much," Taehyung smiled gratefully, "But what type of family is this?"

"We're all sort of like brothers, except-" Namjoon was interrupted by Hoseok.

"Except Namjoon and Jin are the mom and dad and we're not brothers because if we were then Yoongi and I couldn't-" Yoongi cut him off now.

"What he means is we-" Now it was Jin's turn.

"They couldn't make out!" The broad-shouldered male yelled.

"Enough!" Namjoon cried.

Everyone was blushing bright red by now. 

"Okay, so I kind of get it now," Jungkook began, "It's like a family. You all play roles in it, like Namjoon and Jin are the mom and the dad. But what are Yoongi and Hoseok? And what would we be?"

They thought for a moment.

"Well, you two would be the kids, of course," Hoseok decided, "And me and Yoongi are... well..."

"Sort of like the uncles, I guess," Yoongi finished.

"But sometimes Yoongi plays the role of the grumpy grandpa," Jin pouted.

They all laughed before Namjoon cut in.

"One more thing. There's one more kid in this family. His name is Jimin. You're going to get to meet him tomorrow when he returns home from the city."

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded. Then, Jungkook yawned widely, causing them all to coo and aww.

"It's pretty late, I suppose," Namjoon decided, "We should go. See you tomorrow morning!"

They all said their goodbyes and left, leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone again. Jungkook snuggled into Taehyung's side, burying his face into the older's shoulder. Taehyung rolled onto his side and snaked an arm over the younger's waist, pulling him closer.

And they both slept deeply, not having to worry about keeping their guard up, because finally, they knew they were safe.

[a/n: the next part will be an announcement if all goes as planned and it's kind of :(... But anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!]

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