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Surprise!! I'm actually updating two chapters as an apology for making you wait so long!! :)

This chap is a combined personal chapter, a pit will be Nayeon, a bit Tzuyu, and a bit both!

Also be ready for some fluff because everything can't always be depressing

Also! This cheater is written by a very dear friend of mine, Sissy. She is an amazing writer, and wrote it way better than I could ever had, because I'm extremely bad at writing fluff, and I had a lot going on "moving high schools, country etc...)

Thank you, and sorry again!


    When Nayeon is 5 years old :

      Nayeon was confused. On the table in front of her laid photographs of her as a baby. And she did not like it. At all.
At first she had found it hard to believe that this little round ball of black and beige was the same pretty little girl that she was. Everyone around her had told her she was the most beautiful girl they had ever seen. And there she was, facing little bits of paper where was drawn the ugliest creature ever.

     "Don't look so disgusted, Nayeon !" her mother said with a laugh.

     "I don't believe you. This is not me."

     "Except it is." she insisted.

     Nayeon felt like crying. It was stupid and useless, and her mother would probably make fun of her and call her a baby, but she desperately needed to cry. So she did like she always had to do in those moments. She clenched her fists and held her breath. It seemed to work, no tears came running out. For the moment.

     She was doing the right thing. She was a big girl already, and she had little Seo-Yeon, her sister, to think about. She could not afford to cry. Her mother didn't notice how hard she was trying, though. She never did. Of course she noticed whenever Nayeon did something wrong or said a bad word, but when the girl took it upon herself do force herself to do something as difficult as not crying, she looked away.

     Now her Mother had taken Seo away in her arms. And Nayeon was left alone.

     It's alright, Nayeon. Don't be like this, be a grownup girl.

     But she wouldn't listen to herself, and soon tears came running out of her eyes. She did her best to keep silent but her chest insisted on going up and down in little sobs. The more she cried the more she felt ridiculous, and the more she felt ridiculous the more she wanted to cry. Then her eyes fell on the pictures. Again. And in her 5 years old mind she took the decision of erasing that awful part of her life. Of course her mother would be mad, of course she would get a terrible sanction. But she couldn't let people see how ugly she had once looked.

     She assembled the pictures together, got off her chair, tears already fading away in her serious frown, and she stretched her arm to reach the pair of scissors that sat on the buffet.

     Then it happened. She did the naughtiest thing she had ever done.
And while the pictures destructured themselves on the floor of the kitchen, Nayeon felt for the first time in her life that she was the person she wanted to be. Nobody else.


When Tzuyu is 9 :

      The headmaster is the ugliest person ever. He has no hair, glasses that are way too small for his big red eyes, and a moustache of black and grey, the colours that Tzuyu hates the most.

This must be my biggest enemy. He thinks I am so stupid ! Actually he thinks every kid is stupid, but with me, he is wrong.

     She frowns.

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