Whats the best way to serve a slaughter eh?

Start from the beginning

"I'll do it." She confirmed.

"Leave," Aria commanded, "I'll take care of him."

With a mournful glance at her fallen lover, Sage disappeared from sight, intent on the task that had instantly grabbed at her attention. She was going to Troy first, but then it'd be the Salvatore's.

Aria stared at Finn. The burning fire was starting to fade, only then did she realise that it had been a mere minute and a half since he'd been alive, walking this ground. Come to think of it, she realised that her body and the ground, was still shaking. Aria could hear distant cry's of men and women as they stumbled and tried to find cover from loose objects that fell and crashed all around them.


Elena and Matt had been, in a mad rush, driving to the Gilbert's residence, as they had stumbled out of the car and slammed the door shut, it had occurred to them that this wasn't a normal, random, earthquake. Earthquakes usually, after a few minutes at the most, ended, perhaps an aftershock, but it had never gone like this, this 'earthquake' felt sort of... Unnatural.

"What do you think is causing it?" Matt asked, as they tried to seek cover under Elena's table. The walls shook, glasses and pictures hanging from the wall crashed onto the ground, her windows were barely holding in place.

"This doesn't feel right." Elena answered, shaking her head. It was uncomfortable under the table, they hadn't even had the chance to turn the lights on, not that it would probably work anyway. "We don't get earthquakes here, not ever."

"First time for everything Elena."

"I'm not sure about you, but this started happening just after Finn was staked."

"Must be the link." Matt suggested, "didn't you say that Aria was a Witch? As well as being a Werewolf and Vampire? Maybe when something that powerful dies, something like this happens."

Elena shook her head, "not that I'm an expert, but this should of stopped by now at least." Elena sighed, she didn't feel particularly cheerful that they had picked specifically the Original that hadn't done anything to them, sure he was intimidating in that, old fashioned, intense way, but Finn had never done anything to harm or threaten them at all and not to mention that she still felt bad about Elijah having to die, regardless of how he'd used her earlier in the week.

Matt went to say something but his phone rang, its sound pierced through the rather loud and rough noise the house was making as it tried to withhold the unnatural occurrence. "It's Bonnie."

Elena nodded, her phone had gone flat trying to ring her, at least she finally got back to them. Matt answered the phone, holding it close to his ear as he listened to what she was saying. Matt's head snapped up and even in the darkness, Elena could see his face pale.

"What is it?" She whispered, looking uncertainly between her friend and his phone.

"Bonnie was held by Klaus all day," he started, "he made her unlink them. Elena, Klaus is still alive."

Elena's breath caught in her throat. They had killed Finn, for nothing. "We have to go to the Boarding house," she said quickly.


Klaus arrived a minute after Sage had gone. His breathing hitched momentarily when he realised the burnt figure across from his sister, who was sagging against the wall behind her. Klaus knew that Finn and his lover had come to the Grill, and only one small group of people in this entire earth could make his sister like this. She stared vacantly, looking a little past the body.

Klaus saw the grief on her face, but her eyes were hazy, like she was re-living a past memory. He himself felt sadness grip at his heart a little. When they were human, Finn and the rest of his siblings were all close, they loved each other and showed it clearly. As young children, the seven of them played as frequently as time aloud, evading their father and playing in amongst the trees.

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