Prince with Benefits

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Prince with Benefits by @gabycabezut

This is just a breath of fresh air. I love this book, it's amazingly written and easy to get lost in. I mean, who hasn't fantasized about marrying a Prince? I know I have. Besides that, the book symbolizes hope. That when a tiny window closes, a gigantic gate opens. The plot is great and not nearly as generic as one would think before taking a chance on it. It's worth every minute invested into living within the pages.

The Summary;

"Emily Gonzalez's fiance, Sam, is handsome, has a good job and loves her - or at least that's what she thinks. But getting married has never felt right for her. What girl in her right mind would have nightmares about her wedding day anyway?
Her fairytale love story suddenly ends when she catches Sam with another woman. Hurt and humiliated, Emily decides to cancel the wedding and jet off to England, she meets a guy, Scott...
Is it possible to fall in love while the whole world is closely watching your romantic story unfold, or worse, waiting to see it fail.
Or this will be the happily ever after Emily has been longing for."

*This summary is lifted exactly as it is from the author's. It is not in any form my creation.*

Fall in love with a Prince of England along with Emily in this captivating tale.

Happy reading 😆

P.S I have been told I favour sci-fi books 😂 which is false, I just usually go through phases. I'm in that phase. Before now, I was reading lots of vampire books. I read all genres. Plus, I need suggestions of Action/thriller books to read so if you have any, please let me know. Thank you.

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