Division of the Marked

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Division of the Marked by @marchmccarron

How in the world did you come up with such a plot? What kind of stuff goes on in your head girl? This is easily one of my top 10 on wattpad.

You'd be reading this book, stop for a bit and be so disoriented "you mean I'm not Chisanta?" 😂😭😭😭

It embodies amazing genres like fantasy, mystery, adventure, romance and still manages to deliver a darling plot.

The Summary;

"Every year, 50 children are marked. They join a superhuman society of schorlars and martial artists. But this year, only 49 are found. As time passes, more and more children disappear.
Yarrow and Bray meet upon their marking and feel uniquely connected. However, a decade long separation renders them rivals. Can they overcome their differences to unravel the mystery that threatens their kind?"

*This summary is lifted exactly as it is from the author's. It is not in any form my creation.*

Check it out please 🙇 and let's discussss....

Happy reading 😆

Obsession; Crème de la Crèmeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن