I Wish I May

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I Wish I May by Adelyn Sterling @adelynann

I love witches. Not the kinds that wear pointy hats and fly on brooms but those that grant wishes and have wings. A fairy godmother. In fact, I hope I have one, silently granting my wishes.
I Wish I May is a sweet book, I love the plot and I love Zelda. She's focused, dedicated and observant. The type of girl a lot of girls want to be. It's a relaxing book, even with the mystery, it's not too intense.
Reading lots of stories on witchcraft and fae, I realised casting spells is not easy to illustrate when writing but Adelyn does it with such proficiency.

The Summary;

"Fairy godmother in training Zelda Ravensdale is starting her fourth and final year in Madame LeBleu's school for godmothers. She hopes to earn the title of first fairy and graduate at the top of her class,  but there are forces working against her. With a Prince in distress, a manipulative ex, and a secret mission from Madame LeBleu herself to distract her, Zelda soon wonders if she will even get her wings. Will Zelda be able to balance homework, friendship and even romance while the fate of the country rests in her hands? And what would happen if the fairy godmother were to fall for the prince."

*This summary is lifted exactly as it is from the author's. It is not in any form my creation.*

We all want to live in fairytales. What better way to do it than through the eyes of Zelda Ravensdale? It's a good book, scout's honour ✌

Happy reading 😆

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