10|| terrible liar

Start from the beginning

Raizel sports a knowing grin, waiting patiently as he takes even breaths in. He keeps his stance lazy, watching me with unbothered eyes when he draws his arms onto his chest. He folds his arms, his gaze never straying from me and that confident smile still plastered on his face. His alleviating aura affects mine. The initial panic in my being dissipates into thin air.

"What are you doing here?"

I ask breathlessly, still completely bewildered by the fact he was standing here with me. It takes all of my self control not to inhale the addicting scent he gives off. He imprints himself into my space without even trying to. Soon, everything will remind me of him. At this rate, it's already starting.

The idea isn't so bad.

It's actually pretty welcoming.

My wolf who'd been stricken with irritation, calms instantly in his presence. She sighs out with a satisfied wag of her tail.

She didn't really care for how or even why he was here, but just the fact that he was. She was perfectly content and ecstatic at having him this close to us. Confused but silently pleased by the fact.

What an utter mess.

"Williams and I had a meeting when he told me he was coming for a visit."

Raizel pushes himself off the door effortlessly. His thick arms slide to his sides when he moves closer. Again, my breathing starts to quicken.

He strides around the room, looking intently at the  photos on the wall. Most of which, were Meredith's from her time as Alpha and left untouched, excluding one or two and the most recent one. A framed photo of me, Isaac, Noah and Meredith hung at the center of the wall. It was of when I first took the role of Alpha and formed my blood oath's with Isaac and Noah.

The photo served as a memento of the occasion.

"I figured I'd come along."

He glances over to me but returns to looking at the photos that piqued his interest. He leans closer to a specific one of me standing beside Meredith with a small smile on my face before raising his hand over it. His fingertips glide across the photo of me and a shudder simultaneously passed through me as he does.

"I've been deprived of you for far too long."

The soft husk in his tone pulls out a gasp. A soft gasp that he didn't notice. Or maybe he did, but just chose to ignore it. My breath hitches along with my heart rate speeding up unbelievably fast. But he keeps on walking like he doesn't know how his words affect me.

I feel the desperate need to cough, to clear my throat and do pretty much anything to free us from this tension. He takes one last glance at the photo before shifting his attention to me.

"That dream of yours, was it good?"


"I wouldn't know."

I say quietly. I feel a spark of confidence wire into my brain. Confidence that would surely get me in trouble but for now, I went along with it. Raizel cocks an eyebrow at my response and tilts his head to the side. His chest moves up as he sucks in a heavy breath.

"Oh? And why is that?"

I shrug, walking around the desk until I reached the front. I pressed the heels of my palms onto the edge and leaned back.

Raizel watches me as I sit on the border. His body is half turned to face me.

"It cut short before it got to the good part."

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