You stand beside Obito as he looks completely clueless, causing you to laugh at him. He pouts at you, causing you to smile, patting his shoulder and running ahead, turning and waving him over as he stands dumbfounded. He snaps out of it, grinning widely and jumping forward, joining you. 

Minato sighs, putting his hand on Kakashi's shoulder and watching as Rin joined the both of you in the front.

"We should probably catch up."

"Yeah... I guess." 

As you five were walking across a grassy plain, Minato speaks up. "As of today, Kakashi is a jounin just like me. For this mission, Kakashi and I will break up into two teams. That makes it more efficient. Every bit counts. As you know, Konoha is the weakest it's ever been." 

Obito looks a bit worried as he says, "You mean.... Split up?"

"That's right. Obito, Rin, and Y/N. You will be in a four man cell run by Kakashi. And me.... I'll be alone." Rin turns to you and Obito, whispering, "Remember what we talked about the other day? This is where we give him a gift."

Obito hums, annoyed, and says in a slightly quieter voice than normal, "I... must have tuned out. Sorry."

Minato quickly swipes something from his pouch, holding up his hand and showing his present. "It's a custom made kunai knife. It's a bit awkward, but once you get used to it, it's pretty easy to handle. It'll be a good tool for this mission."

Rin walks up, holding a small case in her palms as she says, "And this is from me! Here. It's a specialized medkit. I adjusted some things to make it easier to use." "Thanks." 

You smirked, walking up and holding a single rounded, small crystal, it's bright blue hue shining brightly in the sun. "This, is a chakra crystal. Just crush it with your hand, and it'll give you a chakra boost. Also, before I forget, only break one per day. Any more and you'll surely either go into a coma or die." You place a satchel in his grasp and open it, dropping the small crystal in it. "Thanks."

Kakashi holds his hand out in front of Obito, Obito yelling, "What's that for! I've got nothing to give you! Nothing!"

Before Kakashi could say anything, you jumped up, flipped, and gave him the raddest unexpected high-five in existence. He stares at you for a moment and turns back to Obito. 

"Well, that's all right. You'd probably give me garbage anyway. Nothing more than a burden."

Obito growled, and you walked over to Minato.

"What I don't get is how a guy like you can become a jounin!"

You cut in, saying, "And my promotion is pending."

Rin looks at you shocked and says, "What? When did you take the exam?"
"Remember that one slightly off kid that had like four layers of masks and a large coat?"

"That was you?"

"No. That was the kid I fought."


Turning back to Obito and Kakashi, you see them glower at each other with an intense look. Kakashi mumbles something you can't quite make out, causing Obito to try to lunge. You snap to his position, laying your hand on his shoulder and stopping him from moving further.

Rin jogs up, saying, "Come on guys! Stop already." 

Minato looks at all of you seriously, a serious expression covering his serious face. Seriously. 

"If you're all done, I can show you the mission. We're pretty close to the border, after all." 

You smirk, punching your open palm as Minato sets down a map, you all crouching next to it. "It's this line, see? It shows where the Land of Earth is currently invading Kusagakure. Our enemy is the shinobi of Iwagakure. According to my info, they've deployed a thousand shinobi to the battlefront."

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