Along the way, you talked about different things, ranging from where you came from to your top ten tricks to grating cheese. You also showed off a bit.
"Hey, wanna see a trick?" You asked.
"Sure." Minato said.
"Jevil Style: I Can Do Anything!"  Near the end, your voice changed to a grainy hyperactive one. Your body poofs into the aforementioned jester, and you laugh. 
They stare in horror and confusion, and you laugh some more. Calming down, you look Kakashi in the eyes and say, "Metemorphosis." 
You shift into a sickle, and throw yourself into a tree, sticking into it. You laugh again, shifting back to jevil and holding a spade that you then throw right past Minato, it sticking into a tree before fading. You grin widely, before poofing back to your normal state and waving. "Ha!" 
You cover your mouth and fix your voice, not sounding like Jevil anymore. 
"Uh, wow." Obito says, staring at you with a mix of confusion and slight awe. 
"Thanks! I'm taking that as a compliment." 
You then begin muttering to yourself about how cool that was, and how you were just seeing if that would work. You popped out of your little bubble of happiness when the group began to move again.
"Come on! Don't leave me behind!"

You stare up at the large, wooden gates of the village in awe. 
You begin to smile widely, laughing as you look at it and see the unnamed guards sitting at the post and the large kanji painted on the gate. Obito looks at you, seeing your face and comparing it to a smiling dog, excited and cute. 
'Where did that come from? I met them today, what?'
Obito continued having a small existential crisis, while you absorbed everything. 
The first steps into the village were exhilarating, seeing people bustling around, kids playing, merchants selling their wares, and overall a very peaceful environment for being in the middle of a war. You bounced, radiating happiness and awe. People glanced at you, seeing your face and smiling at the seemingly infectious joy. Your eyes shifted every second, never stopping on one thing for too long. Well, until you saw the Hokage's building, that is.
Your eyes focused heavily on it, you felt a spark from within your chest, the embers of your soul brightening. You kept your eyes on it, and took off, running with a previously absent vigor, dodging and weaving through the throng of people with unknown skill. The team watched, bewildered, before Kakashi began to run after you. The rest soon joined him, chasing you. The stairs made you falter a bit, but you continued moving at a high speed. Kakashi was slowly gaining on you, but he was slightly struggling. Right as you burst through the main building's doors, you heard Kakashi's harsh footsteps behind you. You took off, not knowing where the hell you were going, just knowing that you couldn't be caught here. You slam open a random door, running inside and immediately getting tackled by Kakashi. You looked up from your uncomfortable position on your stomach, one of your arms trapped beneath you. You caught a glimpse of the red rimmed hat, as the Hokage leaned over the desk to look at you. 
"Kakashi? What is this?" 
"Our team caught them in the Nara forest, and halfway through the walk through the village, they-"
"I came here!"
You say jovially, flinging Kakashi off of you as you approach the Hokage with your hand out, as if ready for a handshake. He reached out while Kakashi looked at you in utter shock, being interrupted by you being tackled again, this time by Obito.
"Ha! Take that Kakashi! I got them!" 
You sigh, annoyed, before looking at the Hokage again. 
"Let's repeat that." 
You flung Obito off, him landing next to Kakashi. You walked back up to the desk, holding your hand out while your smile returns. 
"The name's Y/N! Could I possibly join your village, or..." 
He shook your hand, leaning back in his chair.
"Before joining this village, I'll have Inoichi sort through your memories. Is that all right?" 
"Yeah, totally, I'm fine with that, okay." 
Minato and Rin walked in calmly, you raising your eyebrow. "No one's going to tackle me?"
"No? Why would anyone do that?" Minato asks.
You glance at the two dazed boys, looking back. 
"No reason." 

After waiting for about ten minutes, which were filled with you teasing the boys about their failure, the blonde man walked in. He spotted you, exclaiming, "You were the one that Shikaku couldn't find!"
"Hokage sir, with all due respect-"
"Go through their mind, of you wouldn't mind, Inoichi."
"Of course sir." 
He motioned for you to follow him, so you complied, doing finger guns out the door. 

While walking down the various hallways, Inoichi asked you a few questions. 
"So how exactly did you get away from Shikaku? It seemed like every trace of you disappeared."
"Well, pretty much all I did was a jutsu? But not a real one. One that I made up on the spot, so... yeah."
"Can you demonstrate?" 
"I mean, yeah."
You both stopped walking and you put your hands together. 
"I'm Not Using This To Be A Pervert Style: Invisibility!" 
Inoichi chuckled at the name, but was startled as a puff of fire consumed you, leaving no trace. He focused as hard as he could, only sensing what seemed to be smoldering coals, emitting a friendly warmth.
You reappeared, looking at him. 
He contemplates why the coals were there, and why they seemed to warm him to the core. You look at his serious face, and say,
"You good, dude?" 
He snaps into focus again, and you two resume walking, with him answering. 
"Oh, yeah. It's just your chakra... it's strange."
"Is it flowing weird or something?" 
"No, but when you disappeared, the chakra compressed into these coals. They weren't physical, but they were warm and still glowing." 
"Odd. Wait, what does my chakra look like now?"
He closes his eyes and focuses beside him. A blast of heat wafted over him, and he makes out a ember sparking to life, giving birth to a great mass of flame. It seems to open it's eyes, and the flame contorts and seems to form a malicious grin. His eyes snap open and he looks at you with a mixture of wonder and fear.
"What'd you see?"
"An ember, which then turned to a huge block of flame, which I'm pretty sure smirked at me."
"That's super cool." 
You two stop in front of a door, which Inoichi opens, stepping inside. He motions for you to follow, and gets two assistants to help. He opens the metal contraption in the middle of the room, you slipping inside and him closing it soon after. He and his assistants place their hands on a spot you couldn't see, and you get shoved out of consciousness. 
You look around, only seeing black. A small spark pops up in front of you and catches on an unknown source, bursting into a wriggling mess of flames. 
"What the..." 
The fire forms a comprehensible shape, it's eyes opening, showing black nothingness. The place where it's mouth should have been begins to twist, and amongst the crackles you hear what sounds like a large animals pant, it's mouth cracking open. Another black void. 
It's fire spreads to your legs, soon climbing up your body, until you were just a humanoid blob of fire. The fire sinks into your skin, leaving you confused and warm. 
"What?! The fuck?!"
You look up, only seeing black. A tug registers, and you are looking at one of the assistant's worried face. They quickly left as Inoichi approached you.
You cough, ash puffing out in front of you. You stare as it settles, only actually noticing that you made that. 
"Did I just?"
Inoichi walks over, helping you up as he answers.
You stare off into the distance.
"Is that a bad thing?" You ask.
"Generally speaking, coughing up ash is not normal."
"Well, aside from that, how'd the mind reading thing go?"
"You seem to have a block. The earliest memory we got was of you falling from the sky."
"Yikes. Well, I have no clue what to do about that, but for now can we just head to the Hokage?"
"Also, would it be possible to keep the whole coughing-up-ash thing a secret? You can tell Shikaku, but that's about it. Please?" 
"Got it. Shikaku is definitely going to get a kick out of this." 
He began to lead you back to the office, and you talked calmly, you making stupid jokes and him laughing and responding with his own. 
You walk into the office laughing, but stop immediately once noticing that only Minato was in there. You feel a pat on your head, so you turn and see Inoichi walking away. 
"If you wanna talk I'll be at the flower shop!"
"Bye Inoichi!"
You turn back, walking to stand beside Minato. He gave you a side glance before looking back at the Hokage. The Hokage clears his throat, and announces, "Y/N. You will be joining Team Minato. I'm sure Minato can handle one more."
Minato chuckles nervously as the Hokage pulled out a yellowed piece of paper that looked slightly creased, like it had been in his pocket for too long. He handed it to you, explaining.
"This is chakra paper. You simply put some of your chakra into it, and it shows your chakra natures."
You stare at the paper, focusing the warmth you felt licking and spiraling at your insides. After a few seconds, it violently burst into flames, covering your arm, the fire not actually hurting you. The fire dulls down as a few sparks travel across its surface. The paper was completely missing from your hand, save for the ash that dyed your skin black. 
"Uh, is that normal?"
"No. Skipping over that, what an odd combination. Fire and lightning? I haven't seen that one before." 
Minato looks at you surprised. He had never seen such large, bright flames come from a piece of chakra paper. Or any paper for that matter. 
You turned to Minato, smiling. "Can't wait to do business with you, chief. It'll be nice working with ya."

Rewrite: {lmao I'm a terrible author I cant update until I finish rewrites because I got myself trapped with a wonky storyline and I need the rewrites to just make sense of it all      also school has kinda been drowning me but I'll do my best and make you all proud       lmao rant over}
{ fun to write   I'm happy with it tbh}

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