I don't hate you.

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Lance McClain was a very misunderstood young man. He regularly puts on a faceade of happiness, silliness, and shine to help others not feel so down, but on the inside, he's feeling the complete opposite.

Lance was secretly having a private conversation with the mice. Even though he was unable to understand them, it was nice to have someone to listen.

“I think it would be best if I just backed off from the team. Now that Keith is back there's six paladins with only five lions. One's got to go. I think it should be me.”

Little did Lance know, Keith was secretly listening in on the conversation behind the wall.

“Everyone on the team would probably be happier without me anyway, since I'm the annoying one.”


The sudden abrupt sound of a familiar voice other than his startled Lance. It took him a few seconds, but  Lance could tell who it was.

“Keith!?” He turned to face the male that was now walking towards him. “How long have you been standing there!?”

“Long enough.”

Keith sat next to him and rested his chin on the palm if his hand. He did his iconic eyebrows raise and smirked that melted the hearts everyone who has the honor to see it.

“Haven't we already had this conversation before?” He asked, still smirking as a way to lighten the mood.”

Lance crossed his arms over himself and looked down. He was embarrassed that Keith of all people had to see him like this for the second time.

“Yeah... I guess.” Lance replied.

“And how many times do I have to tell you that you are just as important to the team as anyone else? I don't think you get that...” Keith's voice faded off as he looked around the room.

“Lance... You are like... The glue that holds everyone together. Without you, everyone would be fighting all the time. Everyone would be... seriously out of their minds because they wouldn't have anyone to remind them that there is still shine. That there's happiness and that we shouldn't focus on the negative things. And yes, you are annoying, but you are needed.”

Lance looked up and gaped at Keith, completely shocked at how he was still able to say those nice things after all Lance did was pick a fight with him. He felt guilty and ashamed of himself for the way he treated him before. Keith did nothing wrong. It was him.


The pale boy made a humming sound as if to ask 'yes'?

“I don't hate you.”

Lance looked away from Keith, unable to look into his eyes.

“I think...I think you are a pretty cool guy actually. I just felt jealous I guess. You were always above me. No one noticed me but they noticed you. I just put on this delusion that we were rivals for some reason. But I hope we can change that.”

Keith smiled.

“I know. And we will.”



...Hey you.

....Yeah you.

Remember to:





•be nice


•eat proper meals




•Say hi


•Eat a sandwich


•read klance

•Oh and vote

...and guess what

...I'll shout you out the next update


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