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Lexie's pov

When I saw that the guy leaning on my locker was Ethan, I immediately turned around and try to walk away but...

"Lexie?" I hear Ethan say.

I close my eyes and sigh. I turn around.

"Hi..." I answer.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"I don't know Ethan..."

"Please... I can't live like this. I haven't been sleeping since that night." Ethan says.

"You can't live like this? How do you think I feel? I saw you and your ex hooking up or whatever you guys were doing!" I say leaning on the wall in front of him.

"It's not what you think Lex..."

"So you're trying to say that you didn't sleep with Jessie? When you had a girlfriend? Me?"

"I tried to stop her but..."

"I'm really disappointed Ethan. Gray told me how you were back in New Jersey." I cut him off.

His eyes widen.

"He did what?" He asks clenching his jaw.

"He told me about the old you. That you were fucking everything you saw. That you basically fucked every girl at your old high school. That you used to smoke, do drugs, drink, and also that when you were with Jessie, you cheated on her too."

He looks down.

"I thought you changed, E. Gray told me that since the first time you laid your eyes on me, you were different. You stopped drinking, smoking, doing drugs. You were a different brother to him. A different person. A better person... I thought you changed. I guess I was wrong..."

"No Lexie. You were right. I've changed. I swear. I just... don't know. It all happened so fast."

"Why did you even let her... do what she wanted to do with you? You weren't even drunk."

"I... I thought she was you for a moment. I remembered all the memories we had and I couldn't stop thinking about you." My eyes start to tear up as I listen to him.

"I knew something like this would happen. I should've listened to Maddie. She told me I would get hurt. I actually thought you cared about me. But when you came to my house the other day, it proved the opposite." I say playing with my ring on my index.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Ethan. You're not stupid. You didn't even come to talk to me!"

"I wanted to but you're mother told me that if I came back to you're house, something 'bad' would happen to me and she didn't want me to come upstairs and she told me to leave so that's what I did."

"Wait. What? It's my mother who told you to stay away from me?"

"Yeah. Didn't she tell you? She told me she was going to talk to you."

I can't believe it.

"Lexie, I'm so so so sorry. Please forgive me." Ethan begs.

"I... I need some time to... to think." I say and take and shaky breath. "I have to take my bag from my locker..." I point at it.

"Oh. Yeah." He says getting up.

I open my locker, take out my bag and close it. I start walking away.

"Lexie," Ethan says. I turn around.

"I love you"

I look down.

"Bye Ethan"

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