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I walk to go to my biology class. I knock on the door. My teacher opens the door.

"Why are you late Miss Walker?" she asked.

"I had to show a new kid the school and his locker. Call the principal if you don't believe me." I went to my place.

"That was rude," said Taylor (another of my best friends).

"I know... it's just that the new kid gave me attitude so I have no patience" I answer.

"Oh, well maybe after the class you should go apologize to the teacher."

"Yeah. I will."


Like Taylor suggested to me, after the class, I went to see the teacher.

"Hi... um, I'm sorry if I was rude earlier..." I say feeling bad.

"It's okay. Everyone has moody moments" she answers kindly.

"Okay, thanks, have a good day."

I walked out of the class and saw Ethan standing on the wall talking to... ugh, not her. Rebbeca Gibson. The mean girl of the school. Always after the hot new guys.


"AHHHH" Maddy is standing behind me. "YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" I yell at her cuz I almost fell.

"I know" she laughs. I roll my eyes and started laughing too.

The 2nd and 3rd period went pretty well. I showed Ethan his classes.


"Soooo a guy in your head Lex?" Oh, Maddy!

"Nah. You?" She doesn't answer and  looks at her food smiling.


"Well... you know Jackson...?"

"Jackson? As in Kelly's brother?" She plays with her hands. "Oh my god! Madison Summers actually likes somebody else than herself!"

"Oh shut up Lex!"

4th period

Ethan came to my locker. "Hi..." he leand on the lockers.


"I believe we have math together. "

"You're stalking me now?" I continue taking my things.

"No. Look, I know I was a total jerk earlier. But I'm sorry and I want to get to know you." Was he actually apologizing?

"I don't know."

"Come on! Please?" He slightly smiles.

"I'm not sure I can trust you." He pushed me on my locker. He had one hand on the locker and the other on my waist. I want to push him away but for some reason I freeze.

"Trust me, baby." He whispers in my ear. It sent chills down my spine. I feel my cheeks getting hot. "You're blushing" He smirks. Shit! But... damn! How could anyone resist a hot guy doing this to you?

"I make you blush? Nervous?" he asks. I feel my cheeks getting even hotter if it's even possible.

"N-no" I stutter. He smirks.

He pulls back and starts walking to our class. I'm still on the locker in the same position. I'm in shock.

Ethan is already pretty far in the hallway. I run to reach him. We enter in the class and Maddy is looking at me with wide eyes. I know I'm about to have a talk with her.

"So you and the new kid uh?"

"What? No! I just walked with him because we have math together." I don't want to tell her right now about what happened at my locker.

"Are you guys like... a thing?" Sometimes I wonder what's going on in her head.

"Maddy! I barely know him!"

"Oh right!" She's so dumb but I still love her. "But be careful, Lex. He seems like one of those guys who just date girls for sex. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I won't. I don't even know him."


Our teacher gave us like 20 pages of homework.

"Uh... Lexie?" I turn around and see Ethan leaned on his desk.


"I don't really get the lesson we're learning so could I come to your house tonight and we could do the homework together?" I'm surprised. He wants to come to my place? I just met him!

"Yeah sure. But Maddy's coming too. Is that okay?"

"Nevermind. Have fun." He walks out of the class. What's wrong with him? One second he's mean and rude. The other he's mysterious and charming and kind. And after he's back to being a jerk!

The bell rings.

I went to my car with Maddy and two people were making out on my car.

"Could you guys like make out somewhere else than on my car?" The guy turned around. Ethan. Rebecca. Making out on my car.

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