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I want to go see my friends before I leave so I text them. 

Group: (Maddy, Theo, Kelly, Taylor)

Me: Hey guys...

Maddy💗: Hey boo

Kelly💖: hey what's up? 

Me: I have to leave for Toronto in 2 hours...

Taylor💞: WHAT! NO! You can't leave before prom!

Theo😚: Why?!

Me: My grandma is really sick and she might die so my mom wants us to go see her for a month... and I may miss prom... But do you guys want to meet me at school in 5 so we can see us one last time before I leave?

Maddy💗: Of course! We'll be there. ILY!

Me: lyt💞

I drive to school and Ethan is with me. "I can't believe you won't graduate with us..." Ethan says biting his nails. I take his hand. "I know... I wish I could stay." A tear fall on my cheek. Ethan wipes it away. I smile sadly. 

We arrive at school and all of my closest friends are there. I get out of the car with Ethan and they all come and hug me. We're all crying. We laugh after. 

"I'll be gone for only one month and we are acting like I'm moving there forever!' I laugh wiping my tears. "But you will not graduate with us and go to prom with us. We have been waiting for this moment for years!" Taylor says. "I know... but I promise you we will text or FaceTime almost everyday ok?" They nod. "I love you guys so much!" We hug again and I get into my car with Ethan.

We arrive at Ethan's house. We get out the car. "So this is it..." Ethan says. "Yea... It's only a month. Every time you miss me, look at the picture you took of me in the flower field, look at the selfie we took and which is my phone background. We have so many memories." I cry. "I know but I love when I'm with you more than all those memories... I don't need to look or think of something we did to know that I love you." 

It's the first time he says it. He loves me. And I love him so much. "Aw Ethan. I love you too." I say. "You do?" He looks at me deeply in the eyes. "Of course I do, E. I love you so freaking much!" He hugs me tightly. "do you still have my sweat-shirt?" Ethan asks whispering in my ear. "I have like 7 of them!" I laugh. "I want you to bring them with you." "They're already in my bags, babe."  

He let's go of me and kisses me. I wish that kiss could last longer. It's the thing I'm gonna miss the most about him. His cute little soft lips. At least it's just one month... but still. I'll miss him so much. I'll miss everyone so much. 

I get back in my car and wait till Ethan is in his house. He stops in front of the door. He looks at me. "I love you!" he yells. "I love you too, babe" I yell back. He gets in his house. I start driving home. I cry a lot. I think I never cried this much...

  Sorry for the short chapters... I'll make the others longer ;)

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