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My mom, my sister, and I are on the airplane to go to my grandma's. I have my music on and I don't talk to anyone. I just look out of the window and think about my friends but mostly about Ethan...

We arrive after long hours in the sky. My grandpa is there waiting for us. We hug him and we get in his car. We arrive at my grandma's house and she's lying in the bed and she looks very sick... I love my grandma so much. She's like my mother. She understands everything. Sometimes, when I needed to talk to someone, I called her and explained to her what was going on and she would give me some advice.

"Hi, grandma..." I enter her room knocking on the door. She looks at me.

"Oh hi dear!" She sits in her bed and I can tell it hurts her a little bit.

"Go back to bed."I say softly sitting on her bed and hugging her. It seems like I haven't seen her in forever. "I know it hurts you..."

"I'm totally fine, sweetheart." She answers. "How is my grand-daughter doing?"

"Pretty good actually..." I look down smiling.

"Someone has something to tell me." She moves her little eyebrows up and down. "What's his name?"

"Ethan. Ethan Dolan." I answer blushing.

"Well, Ethan is the luckiest young man in the world!"

I can't help but smile. My grandma does the same.

"It really was difficult for me to leave my friends for the rest of the year. I maybe won't graduate with them and go to prom... but I'm glad to be here with you." I say.

"I am so sorry..." She looks down. "So, how's school going?"

I explain her everything that happened this year; Blake is back, Theo is back too, Ethan has a twin brother which is dating my best friend and other things.

We spent a couple hours talking and I can tell she was very happy to see me. At least before she might die... My sister enters the room and she did the same thing as me. I walk out the room and go join my mom on the couch. She's talking to her father.

"How is she?" My mother asks.

"She said that she's fine, but I know she's not..." I say sitting beside her. My mom wraps her arms around me.

"I know it's hard, Lex. You had to move here for the rest of the year, seeing your grandma like this, I know." She smiles slightly. I do the same.

"I just hope grandma is going to be okay." I sigh.

Later that night

I am all installed in my 'new room'. I take my phone and look at some text messages.

Text messages:

Maddy: Hey boo... I hope you got to your grandma's house safely! We love you so much and we hope she's going to be okay. Ly

Theo: Hey bestie! Just to let you know that ily and even if you're not gonna be with us at prom, we will think about you and send you some pictures.

No messages from Ethan? That's weird... Maybe it because of the time difference. Here it 7:30 pm so in LA it should be around 4:30 pm. Maybe he's busy. I'll text him later.

I get into my bed and scroll through Instagram. Mostly looking at Ethan's pictures. He's so handsome. With his sparkly golden brown eyes, his dark brown messy hair that I love so much. I love everything about him. I already miss his scent, how he holds me tightly in his arms, how I feel good and feel safe in his arms... I can't wait to go back home.


2 weeks passed by pretty fast. Ethan texted me a little bit later in the evening of the first night I was in Toronto saying that he was sorry that he couldn't text me earlier because he had to help his mother with something. I knew he couldn't forget me. Only two weeks before I go back! But prom is supposed to be in two weeks...

My grandma isn't going so well. She can't really get out of her bed... We have to help her when she needs to go to the bathroom, to take her shower, we need to bring her food into her room so she can eat in her bed.

Today, she had a stomach ache so my grandpa brought her to the hospital and we're waiting for news.

I'm in a school for the month and it's been two weeks and I don't have friends there and I don't really want some there because it would be hard to leave and forget about someone I met in Toronto.

My friends text me almost every day after school and some days we even make a group call so we can all talk. Every time I hear Ethan's voice, I melt. I miss him so much. My friends too of course!

I hear the phone ring. I go into the living room to reach my mom and sister. My mom answers the phone.

"Hello?" She says

Her eyes widen and I already know what she's going to tell us.

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