- Epilogue-

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6 years later

It's been 2 years since I got a job at the hospital in Toronto. I absolutely love it there. I got a boyfriend. His name is Lucas. We met at university and started dating 4 years ago.

Everything is going so well for both of us. We got our apartment, we are both doctors at the hospital. When we are at the hospital, we aren't acting like a couple. We are just like two colleagues. We do our job like we are supposed to. We have two weeks off every year.

Sometimes I use one of my two weeks off to go back home to LA to see my mother and my sister. They are both doing well. My mother found a new job 3 years ago. Kayla is now 14 years old and she's a freshman at Pinewood High. She has good grades but she struggles in math. When I go back, I help her with her homework when she comes back from school.

Kayla has a boyfriend. His name is Austin. To be honest, he looks a like a little Ethan. Not in the attitude tho. Austin is way more shy than Ethan.

Speaking of him, I haven't heard from Ethan in years. We texted and called each other a lot when I arrived in Toronto and the year after we talked a little less but since then, I haven't heard of him. I missed him the first two years but when I met Lucas, everything changed.

Of course, Ethan still has a place in my heart but Lucas and I are in a more serious relationship than Ethan and I were.

I took this week off to go see my family and Lucas is coming with me. My mother met him last year and she loved him. We're leaving today. Our flight is in a couple hours so we are in the car heading to the airport.


When the flight landed, we went inside the airport and my sister screamed and jumped on me and I fell on the ground with her on top of me.

"I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She basically screams hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too Kay." I say hugging her back.

We get up and I go hug my mom.

"How is my little girl doing?" She asks and I can hear in her voice that she holding her tears back.

"I'm good."

I let go of my mom and see Austin waiting a little further on a bench. I look at my mother.

"Don't you think he looks a little like Ethan?"

"Ethan Dolan?" She asks.

I nod.

"Yeah. A little."

"Have you heard from him?"

"Lisa and I have talked a couple times but I haven't heard from Ethan."


I look back to Austin and grin at him and he does the same. I wave at him to come with us and he just stays there. So I walk up to him.

"Hey. Why don't you come with us?" I ask sitting beside him.

"I don't know, it's like a 'family reunion' so I thought you wanted to be just you guys," he explained.

"You're a part of this family, Austin" A smile appeared on his face.

"Now get up," I say getting up. "We're going home."

We all go to my mom's van and she drives us home. As usual, when I got home, I run up to my room, jump on my bed and hug my pillows.

I hear someone laugh so I lift my head off the bed and look at my door and I see Lucas leaning on the door frame.

bad boyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ