I gave her sad look "Yeah, baby I know I hurt you with what I said. But I promise you I didn't mean it." I said holding her face in my hands, finding myself starting to play with her ears.

She sighed and smiled down at me. "Camila I know that. You right it did hurt me, I didn't understand what would make you say something like that to me. But I get it, it's ok it was a mistake."

Wow she was so easy to forgive me it was crazy. As mad as she was about it this morning I don't see how she's so calm about it right now.

Because I know if she would have been the one to say something like that to me, I would still be angry.

"No Y/N it's not ok. Nothing I said was ok, no matter how upset I was I had no right to say what I did to you." I felt myself start to tear up at the thought of what I said.

"Camila-" she said while grabbing ahold of my hands that now rested on her face.

"No Y/N, I want you to know that I appreciate you so damn much for everything that you've done for me. For listening to me and letting me back in Royalty's life, for giving me a second chance to prove myself to  you. It's all you and without you I don't really know what I would do."

"Baby." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around me pulling me into her body. "Baby don't cry, I understand that you made a mistake alright we all make those. And I know that you appreciate me, baby ok. I do."

I nodded as I sniffed back the rest of my tears as I held onto her body hiding my face in her chest.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you the way that I did."

I sniffed again beige looking back up at her. "Do not apologize, you had every right to. You were angry and I would've been to."

She sighed and we continued to hold each other letting the silence take over us.


"Yeah babe?" I asked with my voice coming out much raspier than usual due to the previous crying.

"I-I umm I have a couple of things I need to talk to you about." She said nervously I could hear it in her voice.

I raised my eyebrow slowly raising my head to look at her still resting on her chest.

"Well ok, what is it?"

She looked at me before looking away trying not to make any eye contact. Now I was starting to get nervous.

"Baby, come on we just had a really good talk. Whatever it is that you need to talk to me about let's talk about it. I don't want us to have any secrets."

She cleared her throat as she ran her hand through her tangled hair. "Well umm i-its kinda a lot-"

I reached over and grabbed her hand in mine. "Talk to me Y/N."

She stared at me for a second before looking down at our hands.

"I love you Camila."

I smiled big and kissed her back. "I love you too Y/N now stop and come on."

"O-ok well-"

As soon as she went to say something we heard a small sound at the door. I sat up and looked over at Y/N watching her stand up to open the door.

"Hi mwomma!" 

"Aww whats up babygirl?" Y/N lifted a half asleep Royalty off of the floor and into her big arms. "Look baby your mommy is here."

"Hi baby." I smiled holding my arms out for her while she reached for me.

"Mwommy ere'!" She smiled her beautiful smile and I couldn't help but smile back. Her speech was really starting to get better, for her to be two about to be three she doing so good.

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