See it only take the right women to have a man weak. I'm not talking weak like a bitch but weak like more open and not afraid to cry in front of your girl no matter how much pride you have.

It didn't take long for me to let my guard down after I got with Payton, shit that's what she does to me that's how I knew it was meant to be.

She's my rock and I'm riding out for mine. This is just a minor set back but we'll be back trust me when I say that.

After I kissed Payton on the forehead I heard a pair of heels clicking towards the room. I turn to the lady doctor who was average height, white with curly black hair.

"You must be Mr. Carter?" She looked at me then back at her clipboard while adjusting her glasses.

"Actually I'm Cash and we ain't married yet, I mean we would but you know." She patted me on my back.

"That's exactly why I'm here to give you some news on her condition, you better take a seat."

I sat back in the chair.

"First off let me say congratulations the sex of the baby is a girl"

"It's a girl?" I damn there jumped out of my seat.

"Yes, I know you're probably a lil upset meaning you wanted a boy don't they all"

"No it's not that, it's just before Payton got into a coma she was going to get an abortion but I guess she changed her mind" I took my fitted off and rubbed my head.

"There's no guessing my friend you're going to be a daddy" she shook my hand. Now I have something to smile about thru all the darkness.

"Ahhhh man that's crazy doc, thank you."

"Another thing" she said while flipping thru the papers on her clipboard.

"I'm listening"

"Payton is in a temporary coma which means she'll be out of it in another week or so."

"Do you think it's possible that she will wake up before that given time"

"That's possible, in due time Mr."

"It's just Cash"

"Cash that's right, she'll be back"

"Thank you I'm gonna get up outta here now"

"Take care Cash"



Cash sent the whole squad including myself out to look for that pussy boi Blaze. I haven't slept in a couple of hours a nigga sleepy but anything for my nigga.

I pulled up to the trap to meet up with the rest of the boys. Hopefully dese fools got the drop at least.

Trav pulled up no longer then I did. I was leaning on the hood of my car we dapped each other up.

"Was good fool?"

"A nigga sleepy"

"I hear you dog but you know how shit go"

"No sleep before business" we both spoke at the same time.

"Ya bitches better stop whining" Nico hopped out of his Audi and headed towards us. He also had a pretty faced darkskin girl with him she was thick as hell.

She was blind folded with both her hands and feet tied up. He tapped her mouth also.

"I see black people never on time, I said 12 o'clock noon sharp" I dapped Nico up.

Trifling Bitch (An Urban Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz