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Jaymin stayed for about a week

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Jaymin stayed for about a week. After that seven days was up, — called him, practically begging him to come back. Jay left immediately, glad to have his boyfriend back.

After brief goodbyes, Jay was packed up and out the door.

"On the bright side," Gem said as her and Jungkook collapsed on the couch, "he likes you."

"Yeah, good." Jungkook said, grabbing on to Gem's shoulders as he kissed her intensely.

He pulled her body moved on top of his, both of his hands under her jaw as he stopped to bite her bottom lip.

After having a full on makeout session for a few more minutes, Gem finally pulled away. "What was that for?" she asked, out of breathe.

"I missed being able to do that." Jungkook admits, his girlfriend still sitting on his lap, facing him.

"Awe." Gem giggles, booping Jungkook's nose.

He smiles. "It's getting late, we should probably get to sleep." he suggests.

"Okay." Gem says, but doesn't move.

As Jungkook puts his hands on Gem's sides, she holds her arms out. "Carry me."

Jungkook chuckled, standing up with Gem in his arms, his hands connected under her butt as her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his shoulders and her head cradled in the crook of his neck.

Jungkook carried Gem to her room, pulling down the covers before laying her in her bed.

"Thanks, I really didn't wanna use my legs." she yawned.

"That's what I'm here for." Jungkook laughs, ruffling her hair. "Goodnight, Gem." he kisses her cheek before pulling the blankets back up on to her already half-asleep body.

"Goodnight, Gukie."

Gem woke up to one red lightbulb above her, swinging back and forth in the otherwise pitch black room.

Frowning, she tries to stand, yet her wrists are bound behind her, the wooden chair she's sitting in is holding the restraints in place.

She wanted to scream, do anything, but whenever she opened her mouth, nothing would come out. She was soundless.

Looking around, she spots a man coming into the light. His piercing eyes were completely black, even where they were supposed to be white. He had blood red hair wore a black fur coat and leather pants, rings bounding his slender fingers as he raised them to Gem's face, caressing her cheek.

"Hello, Gem. Do you know what a demon is?" he asked in a hushed voice.

Gem rolled her eyes as she struggled against the restraints. No, she'd wanted to say, she didn't know what a demon was. She was just that much of a big dumb idiot.

"Watch the attitude, babe." He warned, seemingly reading her mind. "Do you know what makes a demon?"

Gem didn't stop to think of the answer to this question as the man harshly lifted her chin up, bringing his other hand to her lips. In between his fingers sat a small, empty tube.

The man hushed some words in another language and Gem's mouth felt forced open. She watched as a bright white light escaped her lips, filling itself up into the tube.

Gem sobbed as the man put a cork in the top of the tube. "This, sweetie, this is your soul. Without it, you work for me, and if you work for me...," he trails off, his dagger sharp tooth appearing as he smiles, "You're a demon."

"Gem! Gem, wake up!" Jungkook shook his girlfriend's shoulders. She was screaming and crying, obviously having a bad nightmare that she couldn't wake up from.

Gem's eyes shot open as she sobbed, her body reflexively curling up into the fetal position, "Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me." she cried out.

"Gem, Gem it's me." Jungkook tried to get her attention as she flinched away from him. "Gem, it's Jungkook."

"Guk..." she said in between the sobs that were racking her body.

Jungkook picked her up, placing her on his lap so that her face was on his chest as he played with her hair, trying to calm her down.

"It's just a bad dream, Gemmie, I'm right here, and nothing bad is going to happen to you." Jungkook whispers reassuringly. "I love you, Gem." he said, and for the first time, he knew he meant it.

"I love you, too." Gem sniffled, weakly wrapping her arms around Jungkook's waist.

Jungkook kissed the top of her head, "Do you want some water?" he asks.

Gem nods, "But don't leave me alone."

"I won't, I won't, baby. Come with me, okay?" he says standing up as he holds her hand with one hand, the other one wrapping around her shoulder as they walk to the kitchen.

Jungkook turns the lights on to see a puffy eyed, pouting Gem, her face red and her hair messy. He pulled her into another hug, kissing her forehead before getting a glass and filling it up with water from the fridge.

"Can you also get me some medicine? I have a killer headache." Gem says, gladly taking the water and sipping from it with her trembling hands.

"Yeah." Jungkook raids the cabinet for some ibuprofen, handing her two. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, like you said, just a bad dream. Some dude turned me into a demon and took my soul or something." She shrugged it off but Jungkook's body went rigid.

"What'd he look like?" Jungkook asks as innocently as possible.

"Um, his eyes were all black, he had red hair, and he was wearing some kind of big black fur coat." Gem tried to describe.

"Huh, that's weird." Jungkook says, yet he knew exactly who that was. That was Namjoon, it had to be. "I'm just glad you're okay now."

"Me, too." Gem says. "I want to try to go back to sleep."

"Okay." Jungkook says, his arm around her shoulders as he guides her sleepy body back to her room. She lays down in bed and Jungkook pulls the covers up on to her, kissing her cheek.

"Guk?" Gem says, her eyes closed after Jungkook had turned to walk out of the room.

"Yes?" Jungkook turned back around.

"Stay with me, please." Gem practically begged.

Jungkook nodded, mostly to himself, "Okay."

And so he did.

He got into Gem's bed under the covers and she immediately curled up into his side, nuzzling into his chest. "I love you, Jungkook."

"I love you, Gem."

Devil in Me: J.JK.Where stories live. Discover now