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After lunch, Jungkook and Gem parted ways

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After lunch, Jungkook and Gem parted ways. Jungkook had to go back to work and Gem had an appointment and some errands to run.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, Gem pulled out her phone, texting Jungkook.

'Did you get back safely?'

A moment later, he replies,

'Yes, thank you for asking.'

She put her phone back into her pocket, walking into the salon. The nice lady greets her when she walked through the door. "Hi, Gem. What'll it be today? Do you want your roots redyed?" she asks.

Gem ponders for a moment before telling the lady the color she wants to change her hair to.

The woman raises her eyebrows and tilts her head, "Are you sure, honey? You haven't changed your hair color in the three years you've been coming to me to dye it." She laughs.

Gem laughs back, nodding her head, "I'm sure." she smiles.

"Okay, come take a seat, then!" the woman pats the salon chair in front of her.

Meanwhile, back at the café, Jungkook worked like normal.

"What can I get for you?" he asked as a person walked up to the register.

When the person didn't answer, he looked up rudely, showing clearly in his expression that he wanted them to get on with their order. When he made eye contact with the man, his disrespectful expression fell from his face.

"Brother." Taehyung said, a fire burning in his eyes but a blank expression on his face.

"And that's it! How do you like it?" Gem's hairstylist asked as she messed with her freshly dyed and curled hair until it fell into place.

"I love it, thank you so much." Gem grinned at her reflection in the big mirror.

When they got to the front desk, Gem got out her credit card.

"That'll be ₩109,000." the lady said and Gem handed her card to her.

After swiping it, she handed it back to Gem. She put it in her wallet and then pushed the door open to the shop, walking out, "Thank you!" She says again.

After walking out of the shop, Gem went window-shopping. Nothing really struck her fancy, so she didn't get anything at most of the shops she looked at. That was until she spotted a dress shop across the street.

After waiting at the nearest crosswalk, she crossed the street and immediately went into the shop. She had a plan for tonight.

She'd taken one risk today with her hair and now it was time to take another.

Walking up to the register, she asks the woman behind it, "How much for that red dress in the window?"

"So you're telling me he just left?" Jungkook frowns at the grey-haired man across the table.

He nods his head, his dangly earring nodding with him, "We have suspicions that he may be with Jin-hyung."

"But Jin-hyung rules Hea—," Jungkook cuts himself off. "You think he revolted, like Jin-hyung?" he asks Taehyung.

"Yes, we have reason to believe so. I mean, you know Jimin. He was always up to...," Taehyung pauses, "Good. He wanted the best for everyone, even our targets." he explains.

Jungkook nods, "And we don't have the luxury of lax empathy." he agrees.

"Exactly." Taehyung says, "I would like you to come home."

"What?" Jungkook frowns, "You know Namjoon-hyung wouldn't want me home, he kicked me out for a reason."

"That was for your own good, Jungkook. He wanted you to experience this world for yourself so you better know how to manipulate and tempt." Taehyung leans forward.

"I'm not going home anytime soon." Jungkook decides. Not only because his own brother, the King, didn't want him there, but because he had business on this world now. He had Gem.

"Oh, fuck!" Taehyung laughs, "You've gone and fallen in love with her?"

"No, of course not." Jungkook scoffs to cover up the pang of hurt in his chest as he spat the words.

"Remember, we don't have the luxury of lax empathy." Taehyung repeated Jungkook's words.

"I understand that." Jungkook said, disrespectful to the elder, "I just haven't changed her yet." he explains.

"I see." Taehyung leans back. "I'll come back if we really need you. Until then, stay on your toes, Jungkook." he says.

"Will do, brother." Jungkook nods as Taehyung stands.

"Also," Taehyung stops, leaning down to Jungkook's ear and pressing a heavily-ringed hand into his chest, "I was never here." he says, subliminally threatening.

"I haven't seen you." Jungkook assures.

Taehyung takes his hand on Jungkook's chest and walks out the door without another word, his hands in the pockets of his black dress pants.

Jungkook rubs his chest with his hand, wincing at the amount of pressure that was just on it. Standing up, he gets back to work.

After buying the dress at the store, Gem also bought a dozen dark red roses from a local flower shop and rushed home, on a phone call with a fancy restaurant in Seoul.

Seeing as Jungkook's shift ended in twenty minutes, Gem had to be quick about this. First, she sat all the new stuff down in her bedroom.

Then, she took six roses, picking the petals off each one and making a trail from the front door to Jungkook's room. Then, on his bed, she arranged the other six roses around a note she had written in pretty cursive.

Once that was all done, Gem shut Jungkook's door back and practically jumped across the hallway, shutting her door and locking it behind her as she heard a key twist in the front door.

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