Qᴜᴀʀᴀɴᴛᴀᴅᴜᴇ - ᴘᴀꜱᴛ

Comincia dall'inizio

"You are delusional, aren't you? I thought at first that you were just being in denial and naive, but now I know that you are nothing but a mentally, psychotic fool that acquires serious help." I seethed, my nails now digging into his arms, trying to pull his hands from off of my face. His touch disgusts me.

Suddenly, he lets out a dark laugh. It was deep and contemptuous, it held nothing but nefariousness.

"I have never denied that I am psychotic I am very well aware of that. Also, proud of that, if I was not I would not be where I am today. So, thank you, that was a compliment." He said, now loosening his grip on my chin, instead of stoking it with his finger in what most would think a loving way. But, his gesture held not love, but mock and scornfulness.

"You are so full of yourself, you are deplorable. You need to remove that stick from up your ass, you sound like a patient from a mental asylum, always boasting about your achievements. Yes, what you have created is impressive, but it is not good or honourable.

It just shows how despicable and cruel that you truly are, a small, inconsiderate excuse of a man. Oops boy, my bad. People don't look up to you and follow you because they admire you, they are forced to do so, due to a fear of not doing so." I voiced, my tone laced in bitterness. I could feel my mouth curve down in revulsion.

His jaw clenched, gritting his teeth and his eyes narrowed in animosity.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve there? I think I did. Did you think that your 'loyal' men and the slaves that pick up after your shit want to be near you and serve you? How pitiful? They loathe you, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if they were all conspiring against you, trying to conjure a plan that concludes in your extinction." I mocked, batting my eyelashes in mock pity.

"Shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you." He threatened, his tone devious and smothered in fury.

His grip once again tightened on my chin, but this time he lifted me from off of the floor. In- turn, causing me to gasp out in shock. His grip was intensified as one of his hands was woven around my neck and the other was still holding my chin in place. All of my weight was shifted onto him and was now straining against my neck, causing sharp tremors of pain to shoot up it.

"You will learn to speak to me with some fucking respect Piccola ragazza, I have had enough with your fucking bullshit. Trying to show off an exterior as if you can conquer me. Me! That will never happen, I will always be a step ahead of you, if not more. You will never beat me, so you might as well give up now because you will only lose.

You will only be on your knees in tears and defeat in the end and I will be stood over you in satisfaction whilst watching you beg me for my forgiveness." He barked in my face, his voice was deep and rough.

It caused me to want to flinch back in fear, but I managed to withhold that and plastered an emotionless expression upon my face. Giving him the impression that his silly little presumptions didn't affect me.

"Ha! I will never beg you! The only one that will be shedding any tears will be you when I destroy this kingdom that you have created and left you to disintegrate with it. But, I won't be there to watch, as I will no longer be there. I will be long gone, far away from you. Leaving you with nothing, but your guilt, sorrow and self-pity." I retaliated, not allowing him to intimidate me or scare me into backing down.

"You will never beg me, you say? But, didn't you beg me on our wedding night when I 'raped you'. I seem to recall that you did. You were crying your precious heart out, screaming and pleading with me not too. But, now I have all of you and you will never escape me. If I go down, you will fucking come with me because you are my Leonessa and I am your Leone." He said, his voice determined, but that isn't what worried me. What worried me was that his eyes held complete honesty and seriousness.

"How fucking dare you? I can't believe that you would stoop that low and take pride in admitting to raping me. I can believe it. I mean what do I expect? You are a monster after all, you feel nothing for my pain or any bodies." I spat, I was completely appalled by him showing no shame for his actions.

"Why should I care about any bodies pain if I am inflicting it? If I have done so they deserve it, a punishment for going against me. You deserve the pain I inflict upon you, due to your constant display of disobedience. I will not comfort you as it will only encourage you to continue to disobey me." He said, trying to defend himself.

How the fuck can he think that hurting someone is okay? He is not fucking normal!

I raised my arms and began to hit at his body, trying to aim for his face. Maybe if I bashed it in a bit, it would lower his ego. My hands were clawing and scratching at him, trying to mark any of his skin.

"Calm. The. Fuck. Down. Right. Now!" He said lowly, whilst trying to avoid my assault.

"Let. Me. Fucking. Go! How does it feel to be on the receiving end, huh? Do you not like getting hurt? Well, how do you think I feel, you fucking hypocrite?" I sneered, whilst continuing my battery upon him. He deserves it.

"I said, calm the fuck down." He repeated, now releasing my neck from his hold, instead of grabbing my waist and hugging me to him. In- turn, halting all of my movements towards him, due to my being held so close to him.

I began kicking him and growling out in frustration, as I couldn't release myself from his tight hold.

" Let me... go." I ground out, whilst squirming in his hold, my voice coming out mumbled as my face was pressed up against his chest.

"Never." He replied, but his voice held a deeper meaning to it, haunting me. He would never let me go willingly, so I have to find a way out of myself.

"You are suffocating me!" I declared, whilst stomping my foot in an immature manner.

He chuckled.

"Well, maybe next time you will think before you try to attack me." He said, his voice serious, but it held an ounce of amusement.

"Try? Tell that to your face." I said, once he loosened his hold on me.

"I can and will do much more, don't you doubt that Leonessa." He replied, the amusement now vanished from his voice, now replaced with a dark promise.

I could feel every hair adorning my body stand up when raised his hand and tangled it within my hair and began dragging me through the house and up the stairs. Emitting screeches of pain from me, I tried to claw at his hand to try and loosen his grip. But, he was too strong. I could see his muscles tensing from the pressure of the grip he had within my hair and the veins stood out prominently from along his arms.

"Release me!" I demanded, now frustrated and angered by his constant manhandling.

"Quiet!" He ordered in a no-nonsense tone, but I chose to ignore him and continued to protest.

"Let me go! Right now!" I twisted my body, to try and escape him.

He was dragging me in the direction of his bedroom and I wasn't going to allow him to take me there again and hurt me like he has done times before.

"Let. Me. Fucking. Go. You Maniac!" I growled, now becoming impatient and panicked, as each second, we neared his room.

"QUIET!" He roared, now flinging me onto the floor of the landing, causing me to crash onto the floor. In- turn, hitting the corner of my head on the floor, leading my head to throb agonisingly. My vision blurred for and second.

He bent down, grabbed my head and slammed it into the floor, causing me to see white. He continued to throw my head back into the floor until black spots began to dance within my vision. A monstrous look was plastered upon his face and a snarl curled along his mouth, as he threw a punch at my cheek, finalising my involuntary sleep.


Bambolina:. Baby doll

Leonessa:. Lioness

Piccola Ragazza:. Little girl

Leone:. Lion

Word Count:. 2278

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