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It was a normal day. Mum and Dad were taking my brother, Chris, and I to the mall. Chris and I were arguing like brothers and sisters do, when all of the sudden I heard my mother scream. That's when everything went black.





'God, what is that beeping' I wondered as I opened my eyes. 'Wait. Why am I in a hospital? What happened? Why is my arm in a cast? Where are mum and dad?' My mind raced, I had so many questions.

"Abbie? Are you awake?" I heard Chris say.

"Chris, where are Mum and Dad? And why is my arm in a cast? And why am I in here? And why is your face all scratched up? Why do you look like you've been crying?" I asked, letting out all my questions as I looked up at his red, puffy eyes.

"Abs, I don't know how to explain this. While Mum and Dad were driving us to the mall, we were hit head on by a drunk driver. I only got a few scrapes. You broke your arm. You're here because they want to make sure you're stable before they send you home." he explained, his voice shaky. That answered why I was there and what happened. My 11 year old brain couldn't process it all right then. But why was his voice shaky? What's wrong? And where were Mum and Dad? For every question that was answered, a new one arose in my mind.

"Okay... Where are Mum and Dad?"

"Abs, I don't know how to say this-" He started as he began to cry. Chris never cried. Something was seriously wrong. It takes a lot to make an 18 year old man cry.

"Abbie, Mum and Dad were killed on impact." He couldn't control it anymore. He burst into tears.

"No. Mum and Dad can't be dead, Chris! They can't!"

"Abs, come here." He hugged me. I needed the comfort of my brother then. I couldn't hold it back anymore. I gave in as my body was shaking with sobs.

"It's okay, Abs. I'm gonna take care of you. I will not let anything happen to you."

I was let out later that day. The first thing I did when I got home was run next door sobbing. I needed my best friend. I frantically knocked the door. Niall answered. I was so relieved. I needed to talk to him. He was my best friend since I was two. He was the only person I could talk to right then.

"Hey Ab- Abbie, what's wrong??" He asked as he pulled me into a hug.

"Niall... my parents... they... died..." I said in between sobs.

"What? How? Shh, Abs, it's okay. I'm here. Talk whenever you can" He said, trying to calm me down. I told him everything. I looked up as I finished and his face was shocked. My house was like his second home. He was like a child to my parents. We had been inseparable since we were two. His mum came in and it was obvious Chris had told her.

"Abigail, I am so sorry for your loss. You and Chris are always welcome here, honey. Come here." She said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks, Maura. Can I stay here tonight? I don't know if I can sleep there tonight knowing my parents were just there this morning."

"Of course, honey! Do you want Niall to go with you to help you get your things? Also, does Chris want to stay here?"

"If you want to, Niall. You don't have to if you don't want to. And I'll ask him. He may just want to be alone right now. "

"Okay, sweetie. You and Niall can go get your things."

As we walked into my house I saw Chris. I'd never seen him like this. I was genuinely worried.

"Chris?" I asked him nervously, not knowing how he'd react.

"Yeah, Abs?" He said, his normally confident voice now croaky.

"Maura wants to know if you want to stay at their house. I am. I can't be here knowing that Mum and Dad were here just this morning. We're getting my things. Do you want to come?"

"Sure. Let's get our things."

"I'll go tell my mum. Be right back guys!" Niall said as he ran to his house.

"We can do it, Abs. We're strong. I will take care of you until the day I die." Chris said to me as he pulled me into a hug.

Little did I know, that day would come far too soon.

Far Too Soon (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now