"Didn't feel right did it?"

"No Oliver it didn't" Elio leaned in for a longer one.

"I think they forgot we are here" Armie bent and whispered into Timmy's ear. Neither taking their eyes off the two men.

"I wonder what that's like to be so in love you forget the outside world?" Timmy whispered his thought back to Armie.

"You'll know that feeling someday, promise." Armie smiled and nudged his shoulder.

"Alright you two go get changed and we are going to do rehearsals after we eat." Luca said shewing them off, he had things to do that he wanted to envision. It was enough to startle Elio and Oliver out of their state.

Saturday afternoon was bright and very quiet.

"Now I know what's missing, it has been bothering me all morning. Where are all the children at today?" Luca said looking around.

"The kids took them to the beach and momma is at my aunt's house, apparently someones visiting I'm not one hundred percent sure who it was that is visiting." Elio said.

"Ah, I take it that's why Chapman is soaking up the sun?" Armie said pointing to the dog. "How old is that dog, if you don't mind me asking."

"He's nineteen, but I think he turns twenty in a few months. At this point, he should be in a museum. He's survived cancer twice, he's had a hip replacement and he's completely deaf." Oliver smiled at his dog.

"No he's not deaf, he always perks up when I ask the kids if they want a cookie." Elio laughed, and they all saw Chapman jump and look at them, his tail wagging.

"Well all be damn, he's been playing me for a fool for months now." Oliver shrugged.

Armie looked slightly nervous and Timmy looked at him browed furrowed, he was confused Armie didn't do nervous. Timmy leaned on the table propping his head up with his hand, Elio was leaning on the table with his elbows, listening to Luca talk very animated about some movie. And Oliver, Oliver was taking long drags off of his cigar, his hand was on Elio's back. Timmy noticed that they always had to be touching, even if you couldn't see them touching, if you looked hard enough you would be able to see it. If they were close enough to touch, they did

"Ok, since there's no kids and no Annella. I've really got to ask you two something because I just have to know." Armie said in a rushed tone, they all stopped to look at him. "Did you really fuck a peach?" He asked pointing to Elio. "And did you really take a bite of it?" He asked pointing to Oliver. Oliver and Elio both looked at each other, they had no expression on their faces. A few beats went by Oliver cracked first, the laugh came out of him like a shot and Elio followed.

"Uh yeah it happened, you know I had just had sex with two different people. They both were two new experiences and when you are 17 and so sexually charged, things happen. I was just in the moment, every image I had seen in the last 42 hours just ran through my head. Sex with Marzia, sex with Oliver and it just happened." Elio was calm by the end of his words.

"I wanted as much of Elio as I could get, so that was a way for me to show him that and that we were still each other. We do things that are unexplained and sick but we do them even if no one else sees the beauty in it."

"Well, now we know having sex with a peach is possible." Luca laughed.

"If the peach is as big as our are yes it's very possible." Elio said

"I still don't get how it's possible?" Timmy said still in shock from Armies question.

"Well, then I will send you home with a gift basket of our peaches." Elio slyly smiled at Timmy.

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz