"I learned that from Lucy....she showed me how to escaped in case that I got kidnapped or if I forgot the keys to the house"  I said

There was a silent for a while until Louis came "Ready to go?" he asked

"Yup I just need to change"

"Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie packed you some clothes in that bag." he pointed to the bag next to my bed. I nodded, grabbed the bag and walk towards the bathroom to change.

I changed into a black sweater that said Pink in the front, with skinny jeans and purple converses( I LOVE CONVERSES). I brushed my hair and put it on a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom and saw the boys playing on their phones.

"Ready to go kiddo?" Zayn asked. I nodded and we all walked out of the hospital.

"Can we go somewhere else instead of home?" I asked Liam

"Sure, where do you wanna go?"

"Hmmm....how about....NANDOS!!" I yelled and I high-five Niall.

"Let me guess. You're hungry"

"Of course I'm hungry. Now let's go before I starved to death" I said dramatically

"Don't worry love, we wont let that happen" Zayn said and he picked me up.

"WHY DOES EVERYONE PICK ME UP?! I CAN WALK YOU KNOW?!" I yelled. Zayn put me down and they all laughed.

"Because you're adorable and not heavy at all" he said


"Because you are" they all said and I rolled my eyes. We walked towards Nandos because it wasn't that far. On our way there we got attacked by....PAPARAZZI'S!!!

Louis picked me up and I hid my face in crook of his neck while he put a jacket on top on my head. Now the thing is that no one knows about me being adopted by them yet.

So we were waiting until tomorrow to tell everyone on an interview that the boys have but I guess that they already know about me. Well kind of. We finally made it to Nandos and Louis sat me on a chair.

"How did they know where we were?!" Niall asked

"The tracking app,remember" I said

"Well the thing is that everybody now knows about Samantha" Lo said

"Not yet. I mean tomorrow is going to be official right?" I said and they all nodded.

We ate in peace for a while until we heard screaming coming from outside.Fans and paparazzi's were all over the place and we couldn't get out of Nandos so we called Paul.

"How can you guys deal with this. I mean it scares me" I said

"We got used to it already" Liam said

Finally Paul came and was waiting for us to come outside. But me being the coward I was didn't want to go. So I refused to walk out.

"We need to go. Like NOW" Harry said but I just ignored him( I was still mad at him)

"Come one Samantha" Zayn said while he tried to push me out of Nandos. BUT here's the key word. TRIED.

"You know what? just come on!!!" Harry said while he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I started punching and kicking him but he was too damn strong. I stopped once they opened the door and we were about to stepped out. I pulled the jacket they gave me over my head and just waited until we arrived to the car.  Some girls were asking question like "who is she?" and stupid things.

Once we got on the car Harry sat me on his lap but I just whacked him on the back of the head and crawled over to Niall and sat on his lap.

Harry looked hurt but I didn't care at all if I hurt him or not(okay maybe I did a little but I tried not to). Finally we arrived to the house and I ran inside to be hugged by Eleanor, Danielle and Perrie.

"YOU'RE SO DEAD!!" they all yelled. I looked at them confused and then it hit me. I had refuse to come and cut myself so they had a reason to kill me. I screamed and started running around the house.

"HELP, HELP, ONE DIRECTION AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS ARE TRYING TO KILL ME. HELP.HELP. 911!!!!!" I said and stopped running, they all stopped too and looked at me confused "Wait..911 is in America not UK....well in that case....HELP.HELP.POLICE. ANYONE. HELP. CRAZY PEOPLE CHASING ME!!!" I screamed while I started running again. I'm surprise at how fast I am. I got a C- in gym class because I was too slow. My gym teacher should see me right now. I'M FREAKING FAST!!!

I finally got to my room then run towards my closet and went inside Narnia. I locked the door and fell on my butt.

"They'll never find me here" I said.

"Why don't you guys searched downstairs while we search up here" I head Eleanor say.


I know you are

Oh shut up Llama....and you know that you're part of me so you're calling yourself stupid too

Oh.....then....NEVER MIND!!

I heard them knocked on my door. NOOOO!!! THE CLOWN FOUND ME!!! O_O.....yes I'm afraid of clowns -_-

"Sammy...sweetie....open the door, we won't hurt you we just want to talk" Perrie said. Somehow I trusted them so I opened the door and walked out oh Narnia. Then I sat on my bed while the girls sat around me.

"Why did you do it?" Danielle asked

"Because.......I-I.....I couldn't take it anymore. I mean my mom just died a few months ago. I got adopted by the band I hate....well I think that I don't hate them anymore. Anyways I left my best friend. And then Harry made me realize that they never wanted me. If my mom didn't told them to look after me....I would probably be on an orphanage right now or with Nicold!" I said with tears that were fighting to come.

DON'T YOU DARE TEARS!!!!.......to late they're already falling.

Perrie hugged me while I cried on her shoulder. After a little while I calmed myself.

"I know that this is hard for you, but you shouldn't have done that. You could be dead if they didn't open the door any sooner. And the boys did wanted to adopt you."  Danielle said

"Even if my mom didn't told them to look after me?" I asked

"Yes" they all said

"Can I ask you guys a question?" I asked


"When Harry and I were fighting.....he said something about having problems with the band before they met me......what happened before?" I asked. They all looked  nervous at each other then at me.

"Was it something bad?" I asked and they nodded "Tell me...please"

"Fine....before they met you.... they-"


Yellow my fellow friends and readers. I hope that you're liking my book. so what do you think that the boys did that was bad before they met Samantha? well if you asked Samantha's character is based on me. Nicold is based on my best friend Nicold lol. So I hope that you're enjoying this book. Comment about what you thin and pleased vote

Love you all.


Adopted by One Direction(Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora