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''What do you think?'' Yoongi asked his boyfriend. The pair were currently walking down the street making their way to Yoongi's house.

''Hmm, what?'' Jimin just now snapped out of his thoughts.

''Were you not listening to me?'' Yoongi questioned making the other shake his head in response. ''I asked you what do you think about the whole thing about Jungkook and Tae.''

''What thing?'' Jimin asked as a sigh escaped his lips.

''Didn't you listen at lunch. They're going to a party with Hoseok. I don't think it's safe for them to go, I know Tae's gonna want to get drunk and get high, what if something happens...''

''It's his own fault.'' Jimin shrugged in reply.

''Yes, because he's irresponsible and needs someone to talk sense into him.''

''So that just has to be you?'' Jimin questioned as his feet came to a stop causing Yoongi to stop as well.

''Are you okay?'' Yoongi questioned, just now noticing the sad expression on Jimin's face.

''Finally, you realize.'' Jimin chuckled sarcastically. ''No, Yoongi, I'm not okay.''

''What's wrong?''

''I don't even know where to start, honestly.''

''Start about what?''


''What are you talking about, Jimin where is this coming from?''

''Why did you never tell me you liked Taehyung?'' The questioned caught him off guard. How did Jimin know that? 

Tears started building up in Jimin's eyes but Yoongi was too shocked to wipe them away for him.

''Did Yuqi tell you this?''

''She didn't need to, I knew before we even started dating.''

''What, how?''

''It's not exactly hard to figure out what that look in your eyes means when you look at him.''


''Why didn't you tell me?''

''I... I don't know... I guess it didn't matter since I moved from him anyway.''



''You haven't moved on.''

''Then explain why we've been together for almost two months already.''

''Because you gave up on him, not moved on. There's a difference.'' Jimin snapped back. ''You don't still have feelings for somebody if you've moved on so that's clearly not the case here.''

''I don't have feelings for him anymore, Jimin, I like you.''

''Why are you lying to yourself?'' A tear finally feel down Jimin's cheek. Yoongi tried to wipe it away but got stopped. ''No, just listen to me.'' He ordered. ''I-I've liked you since, pretty much since the first time I sat down next to you in class. But since day one you showed no interest, so I accepted the fact that nothing will ever happen between us. But then suddenly, you walked up to me and asked me out one day. I-I thought to myself that this can't be real, there's no way you actually like me.'' Jimin paused to take in a deep breath to calm himself down then continued. ''But then I realized why you asked me out. You were trying to find someone that would be what Taehyung couldn't be. I-I'm not saying I don't believe you like me, I know you do, but I also know you still have feelings for Taehyung as well. And it hurts when I have to compete for your attention with him and neither him nor you even realize it. And what sucks even more is that I usually lose.''

Yoongi was left speechless. He tried to speak, say something to Jimin but he couldn't come up with anything that would make this situation better. He never realized just how much he could be hurting Jimin with what he was doing. How could he be such an idiot?

''Yoongi... I love you, but I don't think I can do this... Take a few days and really think this through; and let me know if you think you can be in a relationship right now or if you need to take your time to move on.'' Even when he was hurting him, Jimin still cared about him so much. Yoongi didn't deserve him.

Yoongi watched him wipe his tears away and flash the saddest smile he has ever seen at him.

''I-I'm gonna go home now, my face is freezing because of my tears.''

''Jimin, wait.''

''Please don't talk to me for a few days.'' And so the boy walked away leaving Yoongi frozen in place rethinking everything he has ever said or did in front of Jimin since he's first spoken to him. 

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