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The trio sat down together. Jimin's hand was still intertwined with his own and for some reason Yoongi didn't want to let go of it.

He tried to spot Taehyung out in the cafeteria, he figured he would be sitting with Jungkook and that friend of his today, but that was not the case. Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

''So guess who completely ignored me for the first three periods of the day.'' Yuqi spoke up with a sad smile plastered on her lips.

''Sorry, you don't mind if we talk about this, do you?'' Yoongi questioned, hoping Jimin wasn't uncomfortable with them discussing their problems in front of him. The said boy flashed him a sweet smile and shook his head.

''Go ahead.'' He encouraged.

''I'm worried about him...'' Yuqi spoke up.

''What, why? Was something wrong?'' Yoongi instantly went into panic mode.

''I... I think he and Jungkook hooked up...'' Yuqi spoke so quietly he and Jimin barely heard her and from what he heard, he wished he hadn't in the first place.

''Hooked up as in...?'' Jimin spoke up since Yoongi didn't.

''He had a few marks on his neck... They looked like hickeys.'' Yuqi explained. Yoongi tightened his grip on Jimin's hand but then quickly let go when he realized he could be hurting the other.

''Sorry.'' He quickly apologized to the boy making him squeeze his hand slightly to assure he was fine.

''I don't see neither him nor Jungkook anywhere...'' Yuqi trailed off knowing the pair understood where she was going with that sentence.

''Dammit Tae... What are you getting yourself into...'' Yoongi murmured underneath his breath.

Jimin must've heard what he said for as he scooted closer to him and rested his head on his shoulder to provide some comfort to him. He felt guilty for still thinking about Taehyung when was Jimin sitting next to him. Resting his head on his shoulder and most likely feeling bad because he was in a bad mood.

He needed to stop focusing on Taehyung if he wanted to have some sort of a relationship with Jimin.

''You know what...'' Yoongi sighed as he rested his head on top of Jimin's taking in the scent of the other's shampoo. ''He's the one that walked out on us the other night... We tried to help... Maybe we were wrong, maybe he'll be fine. Let's change the topic.''

''Sure.'' Yuqi agreed while Jimin stayed silent. ''So... Jimin...''

''Yu, please don't bombard him with questions.'' Yoongi chuckled, knowing the girl was about to interrogate the boy that was currently resting his head on his shoulder.

''It's okay, I like questions. Unless they come from the teacher.'' Jimin explained making the trio chuckle.

''Excellent, I like giving questions.'' The pair continued talking. Yuqi began asking Jimin questions Yoongi already knew about the boy so he couldn't help but space out again.

Almost instinctively, his mind wandered back to Taehyung. He just couldn't stop thinking about the information he had learned earlier. Jungkook broke Taehyung's heart the last time the pair dated, would Taehyung really let him back in so easily. Would he really... Sleep with the boy. Maybe it wasn't the first time the pair had done it but he and Yuqi didn't know. Or maybe it was Taehyung's first time.

It was none of his business, who Taehyung did such things with, but he still couldn't stop his mind from thinking how Taehyung could have made a big mistake.

But then again, maybe he was wrong. Maybe Jungkook really had changed and he and Yuqi were just judging the situation based on what they knew from the past. Correction, what Yuqi knew from the past. Yoongi didn't even know Taehyung when he and Jungkook were still dating. He met the boy around the first week of sophomore year.

It was love at first sight, one-sided love. His unique wide smile, his warm loud laughter when Yuqi introduced the pair. He knew Yuqi because he helped the girl around the school on her first day of school and after a few days of being friends with her, she introduced him to Taehyung. Since then the trio have been the best of friends.

Well until now...

Yoongi no longer knew what to call Taehyung. Did the boy plan on ignoring them from now on, did he just need some time to calm down; or was that night really the last time the trio spoke as best friends and it was going to be him, Yuqi and Jimin from now on.

''Hey...'' A soft voice snapped Yoongi out of his thoughts. He felt a hand softly rub circles into his back. ''You haven't even touched your lunch yet, eat something.'' Jimin spoke to him softly.

Yoongi didn't know what came over him in that moment but he pressed a soft kiss to the other's lips and smiled at him as he watched him process what he had just done.

''Thank you.'' 

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