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You free?

Yus ignoring me and im home alone bored aff



Where is she?


No idea

Probs asleep


As expected


Anyway you wanna come over?

Its been a while since we hung out


Im actually in the mood for a walk


Where too?


Anywhere tbh


Im down

Meet you halfway?


Sure omw

A small smile found its way to Yoongi's lips as he placed his phone into the back pocket of his jeans and shot off the bed.

After two weeks of ignoring him, Taehyung finally wanted to spend some time with him. He grabbed his jacket, keys and earphones; all of the essentials he would need to leave the house then made his way down the stairs where he put on his shoes then left.

He went into the direction of Taehyung's house, usually the pair ended up meeting each other around halfway there so Yoongi walked in a slow pace as he listened to the song which was currently playing on his phone.

After about a song and a half he noticed a familiar silhouette making its way over to him. The closer he got the more sure Yoongi got that that indeed was his friend. He was shocked by the fact that Taehyung wasn't looking down at his phone but instead for once had his head up, looking at his surroundings.



The pair greeted as they finally walked over to each other.

''Where to?'' Yoongi asked.

''Hmm...'' Taehyung thought for a second as he looked around the street. ''We could go to the old school and sit down in the playground.''

''Sounds good.'' Yoongi nodded his head then turned around to start walking into the direction of their old middle school. ''You know, it's still so weird to me, how we went to the same school for nine years but didn't meet all up until high school.''

''Well... You are a year older. I don't know about you but big kids scare me.'' Taehyung confessed making the older smile at him fondly.

''Really? Did I ever scare you?''

''Probably...'' Taehyung thought back at the memories of middle school. ''I remember there was a group of guys that used to bully me a lot, I think they were from your grade.''

''Well, that definitely wasn't me. I was receiving the bullying from my classmates not delivering it.''

''You never told me you were bullied.''

''Really?'' Yoongi questioned. ''Could've sworn I told you about this before.''

''No? How did they bully you?''

''They called me names...''

''Regarding your sexual preferences?''

''Yes Tae they called me a faggot.'' Yoongi let out a chuckle to try to lighten the mood. It seemed to have worked for as Taehyung giggled at him and flashed him a small smile, which left Yoongi dumbstruck for the next minute or so.

''Ah yes, I was victim to that word as well. You know it's funny, because back then... I didn't even think I was gay, I was just a clingy friend, guess people knew I was gay before I knew it myself.'' Taehyung joked back.

''Yeah, it's amazing isn't it, it's like those bullies are psychic or something.'' Yoongi continued with the sarcasm.

''More like psycho.''

''That too.'' Yoongi agreed causing the pair to giggle again.

Before they knew it, they were already at the school. They walked around it to get to the playground at the back and sat down on a bench.

''Hey Yoongi...'' Taehyung called out.

''Hm?'' Yoongi hummed as he looked over at his friend, studying every little detail that was on his face like it was the first time he had seen it. The boy was looking down at his lap, fiddling with his fingers; it was a habit he had when he was unsure about something he wanted to talk about.

''I've never asked you this before... How did you realize you're gay?'' He asked and looked up to meet Yoongi's eyes.

''Hmm...'' Yoongi thought for a bit as looked back at when exactly he started realizing he was gay.

He had his doubts in middle school, but it wasn't until high school that he actually started thinking that way; actually, it wasn't until he met Taehyung that he was sure.

''I think I kind of always had my doubts. Girls never really interested me much, at least not romantically. I had many female friends, but I never liked any of them that way.'' Yoongi wanted to add how it was Taehyung that made him realize that he wasn't straight and that since the day he had met him he had liked him, but he didn't. Even if he tried to, the words wouldn't come out.

''So you just figured it out on your own? You didn't have any crush or anything like that?''

''Not really.'' Yes, I did, and I still do.

''That's nice, thank God you didn't need to go through any heartbreak or something like that. That sucks.''

Trust me Tae, I know... I experience it every day.

''Oh my God, puppy!'' And so, cue the end of the heartfelt conversation between the pair. Taehyung was once again focused on something other than Yoongi, leaving him to once again only stare at him from the sidelines and admire him. 

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